Kuhli Loaches

Does anyone have any of these fish? I seen them an my lfs the other day and thought of geting one or two since they like to pile on top of eachother.

How big do they get? These were very very small, like maybe 1-1 1/2 inches long and thin. Will they do good in a cichild tank when they grow if they get big. I would put them in my 20 with the tetras until they were the right size if they could be transfered.

Also do they clean the tanks of algea and stuff? Im geussing they like to bury in the substrate as well. I dont want to get a fish that always hides if they arent really serving a purpose in the tank.


Superstar Fish
May 26, 2003
Makaha, Hawaii
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if ya dont like fish that hide ya wont like kuhlis! most are nocturnal, but ive seen a different coloratin of them that seems to cruise around in the day time so im not really sure. they like to be in groups of 5 or more, they get from 3-5 inches long, and love to bury themselves in sandy substrate and dont really like big sharp gravel. they like to eat what all loaches do (flake,shrimp pellets, tubifex worms is what i feed mine, with a vegetable twice a week.)

i dont think they clean algae at all, and dont do much but eat and sleep, but if you like loaches(as we all know i do:D) and dont mind not seeing them half the time, theyre a cool fish to have. i havent had any for a while(none at the lfs) but im gonna get some when they do. ive never kept them with cichlids, and to some cichlids, kuhlis may look like noodles:) so i wouldnt put them in with a fully grown jack dempsey, but it might work.

its highly reccommended that you use sand as substrate and give them plenty of caves to hide in.


Superstar Fish
May 26, 2003
Makaha, Hawaii
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yeah 20gallons would be good for them. im not sure if they clean when theyre buried.

mine usually came out around 11:00 pm and i have dim color lights on in my tanks at night so i could watch them swim around.


Small Fish
Jun 14, 2003
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fishface. little bro, i have actually seen them more than once as you put it. they took a while 2 get settled into the tank but now they come out everynite i love them they are great loaches to keep.

The only loach I would put with those aggressive cichlids would be clowns. They can adapt to the ph of a malawi rift tank (I wouldn't just drop them in though), and my kenyis (well known aggressive cichlids) don't bother them, although I have a mini girl convict that's ~1/2" that chases them, (it is really disturbing to see a 1/2" fish chasing a ~3" loach). I really don't like that fish... grr.... my other convict is cool though. Plus clowns are cool, and you would actually see them!

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