Kuhli Loaches


Small Fish
Jun 30, 2003
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I have boughten five kuhli loaches, as I've read that they like to be in groups of atleast five.
The thing is, I have no idea how to feed them or with what type of food? All that is in the tank, which is a 29 gallon, is the five kuhli loaches, and two fiddler crab. I don't want to over feed them with flake food etc. What would be the best way of feeding them? Add fish and whatever they don't eat the loaches/crabs will?
Any info or website with info is greatly appreciated.


Feb 2, 2003
North Dakota
Kuhli loaches, are just like anyother bottom feeder, most of the time they will just eat whatever is left behind from the other fish in the tank. But since you have no other fish in the tank, you can perchase sinking fish food made just for bottom feeders. I have also found that my kuhli's like the frozen food I feed my other fish.

ABout the fiddlers, these guys are often sold for fully aquatic aquariums. What not many people know it that they some salt in there water and they also need a basking place for them to come out of the water and get occasional air. If it is possible, I would create a small vivarium for them (10g) with part land part water. Would not cost much and it would save them a lot of suffering. Since if you were to bring them back to the store you bought them from most likely they would throw them in the same fully aquatic setup and sell them again. This is an unfortunate misunderstanding that causes lots of suffering to the crabs.


Small Fish
Jun 30, 2003
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As for the crabs, I have boughten a rock terrance type of thing and have lowered the water level, along with some fake bundles of plants that they seem to like to sit out of the water on. ;-)

I did a little research on that, but I don't have the sandy area for them to burrow a home into though. ;-(

As for the sinking fish food, any will do? Like I have Algae discs for my pl*co in another tank, would they eat those? and if I dropped the whole disc in, should I wait a couple days between feedings or break the discs up into quarters?

Thanks for the help so far!

Jul 15, 2003
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If you go to your lfs they might have some form of sinking food or pellets that would work. The algae discs might work for now but for the long term they need other things too. Tetramin and Wardly both make sinking wafers specially designed for loaches and other bottom feeders. And IMO every other day or so would be fine to feed these to your loaches because in the meantime they will be cleaning up the bottom of your tank.

Feb 2, 2003
North Dakota
Oh good, the rock terrece will be just fine considering, most people don't even bother learning about fiddlers, much less redisign their tank a bit for them.

As for the sinking food. I'm sure they would eat some of the algea pellets but snce they are more bottom feeders then algea eaters I would get another kind that is made just for types os catfish and loaches. There are many kinds on the market.


Small Fish
Jun 30, 2003
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Well, thanks for the info!

One more quick question for advice; which fish(s) would you recommend with this setup? The tank is 29 gallons, but its more like a 20ish with the water dropped for the crabs. I roughly keep the temp around the high 70's, I need a new heater, as the one I have and the readings I get for temp are so fluctuating. ;-(
I was thinking perhaps a couple neon tetras.. or anything else?
Also, if I bought ghost shrimp, do you think the crabs would eat them?