Lack of Inspiration

Feb 10, 2006
Bay Area, CA
Haven't been on for a while. *cough* WoW *cough* How is everyone doing?

And I really haven't been really motivated to further advance my tanks. Here are my set ups currently.

10 G (3.6 WPG)
4 black neon tetras
2 juvi platies
1 fry
cherry shrimp

java moss, java fern, rotala (i forget what kind), a little bit of giant bacopa

5 G (1.6 WPG)
1 M betta
1 fry
cherry shrimp (I think they are diminishing in numbers)
java moss, giant bacopa

If you have any ideas just shout them out. I've thought about converting to SW, but I still have equipment and items left over. Maybe a few more years. Also, the maintenance on my tanks have gone down. I do like PWC every two weeks (sorry). I'll be checking this thread, so hopefully it'll have a few replies.

Nov 27, 2004
New Orleans
Visit site
not sure about how much space or money you have, but why not blow the whole thing up and go with something really different? do some research, find some fish that spark some interest, and go from there. maybe a bigger tank. from the sound of it, you seem kind of bored with what you got.

Feb 10, 2006
Bay Area, CA
Cool a response!

Thanks punkrockfish, that's some pretty good input. Unfortunately, I don't have the space to go with anything bigger than a 10 G. Also, my lights for it are Retro-fitted and I spent a good few bucks on that setup. New fish sound pretty good. Only problem is that you're pretty restricted with what you can keep in a 10 G. And not to mention, I have fish still in there = more limits.

I think I'll go pay the library a visit. Go read TFH and check out some books.

Sep 9, 2007
well you know you can always trade your fish at a lfs and get new ones. do some new aquascapes i know i got bourd with my FW tank very fast adn stated a SW which is so much better om doing maybe get one of your FW tanks and convert into a nano reef i do have a 12gal reef tank so you can do it and youll have more fun doing it as well

Feb 10, 2006
Bay Area, CA
Yeah, I've been meaning to swap out the substrate with some Eco-complete. I might not have enough, that's what's been keeping me from doing so (1/2 bag). I was also thinking about re-aquascaping as well. Maybe it's time to look for more driftwood and plants.

The whole LFS trading thing. It has to be a recent purchase to trade the fish. It's been over a year with these guys.


Superstar Fish
Feb 1, 2004
middletown, CT
you have a pretty generic stocking list for you 10G. i agree w/ starting over. you already have good lighting, so why not just swap out the substrate for eco and have some fun with plants/aquascaping! ;) maybe go for an invert tank with lots of fun shrimp or something. just a thought.