Laid to Rest


Large Fish
Jan 29, 2006
Well, today I come home to find one of my female platies fighting to stay alive (and not be food to the ghost shrimp). She looked pretty beaten up (guessing the ghost shrimps got to her after a while) and her eyes were popping out of her head. I had two choices: 1. Try to revive her, while feeling sorry for the pain she was in or 2. Put her to rest using the freezer method (slow and non-painful). I choose #2, because I couldn't stand watching her suffer in the QT area (a net). I would have felt bad either way, but I wanted her to be in the tank in the sky. :( She is so far the only female platy (that I know of) to give birth out of my 2 females, and I will miss her.

May 15, 2006
sorry to hear that.........but freezer method.........she would suffer more...........cause her nervous system shut down slowly......and that cause more pain and she would get more stress out and scared............the method i would use is i got a bow of ice cold water (very very cold but not ice) and then i put my fish in a small cup with water temperature a little warm water like 80 degrees F, then i pour the cup that the fish is in both fish and water to the cold water......the fish will get shock and die right away without feeling and pain..........evil...well..i heard someone try it but their fish is still swimming in the cold water....iwthout dying...

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