Large Monti Pics?

My monti frag has started growing really nice, and I am trying to find pictures of a large one to compare it to. Does anyone have any? There are some new colors coming out, but I can't get a good pic of it without moving it, and I really don't want to disturb it since its doing so well. Hopefully when I move in a few months I can get put it in a good spot where I can take better pics.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
ive got 4 differant types of caps (red,orange,idaho grape,green with white polyp) but all were gotten as frags in the past 6 months so nothing huge but they do get big and are one of the fastest growing sps.... all my caps are doing great n ill take some pics later


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
ive got them in everything from high to med flow..being that theyr sps theyd rather be in higher flow ;) im defintly guna be adding more flow here ASAP