Largish acrylic aquariums?


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Has anyone used a largish acrylic aquarium? How was it? I have an option to buy a second hand 3 feet by 1.5 by 1.5 feet to use for salt, what would a fair second hand price be?


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
i would buy it as long as there are not excessive scratches on the veiwing surface(which there often is with a sw set up)acrylic make a superior tank simply because your not worried about slipping up and shattering your tank,plus acrylic insulates better so there are less temp. swings.a fair price would be 50-100 dollars u.s.

I've never seen a tank over 30 gallons sell for anything less that 100 bucks. If your getting equipment w/ it, I'd plan on spending $450+ probably more. If not, $200+. Also, you can buff out any minor scratches on the outside and ones on the inside don't matter since you can't see internal scratches when water is in acrylic tanks. Any tank that has those demensions, especially acrylic, I would buy at pretty much whatever cost you can get it for. That sounds like a sweet tank.

I have a 60 gallon acrylic if that's largish enough and it's better than any glass tank I've ever seen.


Superstar Fish
May 16, 2003
Springfield, MO
i have no experience with acryllic tanks, but do you have to support the entire bottom of the tank?

and also, how much room is there on the top of the tank to do maintenance, aquascaping, etc.

i have read a lot of negative opinions on acryllic and was wondering if there is anything to back this up or if people just like to bash things that they dont have. :)

i plan to buy a 265g when i move into my house and i KNOW that a 125g glass is a real groin-puller....


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
If you don't need to support the entire bottom of a glass tank then I would have thought you don't have to on the reputedly stronger acrylic.
The lighter weight isn't a big deal for me, it's the strengh of the damn thing. Having small children + big glass tanks will really give you some scares, plus I want to load up with rocks and not have to worry. Also I like the look.
The downside is scratching - however you can fix scratches in acrylic, and I can't fix those in my glass tanks, plus I've learnt to be careful. The guys whos selling it has been on holiday so I'll probably get it in a week or so's time.
All I have to worry about then is lighting, or rather a cover glass that isn't going to cut out too much light if I go for a T5 luminaire or hanging metal halide.