Lawnmower blenny

Feb 25, 2008
Savage, MN
I was reading the stuff on the front page of the site about the Lawnmower blenny and I was thinking to myself that it would be cool to have one of them in my tank to take care of some of the algae growh on the sides of the tank and in the sand. Does anyone think that iot would be an issue in my 20 gal along with my pair of perculas?


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
probably not enough algae growth in that size tank unless you have a really nasty hair algae outbreak. You would have to supplement it's diet with wafers or algae so you want to make sure the fish you get is accustomed to eating dried algae.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
I am not sure about comapatability between blennies. I would think they might be okay together but maybe in a larger tank where they have more room to keep away from one another. My bicolor spends most time in his hole coming out to nip algae off the rock and back into his hole.....the lawnmowers tend to perch on a rock most of the time. I would double check with more resources before I tried to put them together