Lazy Plecos...


Superstar Fish
Aug 21, 2005
Clinton, NY
I've developed quite a nice layer of brown algae in my 90 gallon... and my plecos could care less!

The Bristlenose sits in the current all day with his bristles swaying in the "breeze", the Rubberlip prefers the PVC pipes, and I don't expect the Gold Nugget to clean. I'm thinking about getting a small cleaning crew of Otos to take care of it, since I've heard they're diligent little workers :)

Any suggestions on how many to get?
I was also wondering if there were any other types of Pleco that actually clean. I know BNs are supposed to, but obviously, I got a lazy one. :eek:

Thanks *thumbsups


Large Fish
Dec 19, 2005
Vernon, CT
I couldn't tell you how many to get that would work for a 90 gut I got 3 today and they have been busy little beavers. I have one that has been going crazy eating the algae off the bubble stone. The are cute little buggers.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Your kinda in the same pickle I was in with my 90. not enough room for another BN let alone a group of them. The one you have is probably doing some..But there is only so much a single fish can do. Also scavenging for algae when other better foods are available seems kind hohum to a BN. At least enough for his efforts to even make a noticeable difference on a tank that big.

Your going to need a LOT of otos to do what your looking for them to do. Or you could do like me..:D

Get 3 of these.

(sorry bout the crappy pic..was our old digi cam)

They are oto gulare AKA Giant Oto. Haven't had a bit of algae in my 90 since putting them in. It will take some work but they are available from time to time. i bet big als would even order you some if you asked. And unlike the BN these guys actually seem to rather rasp for algae vs taking any prepared foods.


Superstar Fish
Aug 21, 2005
Clinton, NY
There's very little information on those Otos... grrr... they're gonna be fun to get a hold of.

I think I might try ordering them through a smaller store. There are a couple of nice little aquarium stores around me, I'll have to ask them there :)


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Ya there isn't much out there. I can tell you they seem social just like normal Otos, but are much more hardy. They are not at all picky about water. They max out in size just under 4 inches. I've seen them from time to time much on freeze dryed krill, and large cichlid sticks that get stuck to a filter intake...but that is only once in a blue moon do they do that. They never go for any of the algae foods or fresh veggies. Really they just spend the day rasping all over the tank, plants, and wood.

I've had them for almost 2 yrs now, and they have prospered. A tank as big as a 90 seems to produce enough algae to keep the 3 well fed.

Last edited:
Feb 22, 2006
LOL, yea some plecos prefer to clean only one part of the tank rather than several places of the tank. Its irritating...I love oct but you would need at least 20+ in that 90 cause theyre small little buggers. Anyways i never heard of those gulare. How much do they sell for and how big do they grow?