I've developed quite a nice layer of brown algae in my 90 gallon... and my plecos could care less!
The Bristlenose sits in the current all day with his bristles swaying in the "breeze", the Rubberlip prefers the PVC pipes, and I don't expect the Gold Nugget to clean. I'm thinking about getting a small cleaning crew of Otos to take care of it, since I've heard they're diligent little workers
Any suggestions on how many to get?
I was also wondering if there were any other types of Pleco that actually clean. I know BNs are supposed to, but obviously, I got a lazy one.
Thanks *thumbsups
The Bristlenose sits in the current all day with his bristles swaying in the "breeze", the Rubberlip prefers the PVC pipes, and I don't expect the Gold Nugget to clean. I'm thinking about getting a small cleaning crew of Otos to take care of it, since I've heard they're diligent little workers
Any suggestions on how many to get?
I was also wondering if there were any other types of Pleco that actually clean. I know BNs are supposed to, but obviously, I got a lazy one.
Thanks *thumbsups