well setting up the drum maybe same way as you hadin ur ten gal, make sure the drum is safe to use i.e. breaking with water in it, what was in it b4 was safe and so on... but i just looked up at ur stats and well i guess i just wasted a fewinutes typing lol anyways i've resiliconed couple tanks from 20gal to 45 gal tanks and it takes a few hours for it to dry but i think about 2-3 days for the silicone to cure, with my tanks i just let it sit for about a week or a few days after the smell goes away, you can get a good sized can of silicone caulk at homedepot for half the price of the lil tube they sell at lfs but thats if u have a caulking gun, but since it's ten gal don't need alot get a small one... a lil trick i did was run masking tape along the corners of the tanks about 1/4" from where the two glass meets and put alot of silicone at the seam and press down with my fingers to smooth it out(wear rubber gloves) and peeled the tape off b4 the sillicone hardens pretty easy only thing is the smell from the caulk may bother ya but i kinda liked it after usin it for an hour lol