Leaving US and SW. Big thanks to All!!

Jul 29, 2005
Sunny Cali & Rainy England
Finally things are moving along with my relocating back to the UK. I'll be home in time for Christmas and I'm very happy about that.
Unfortunatly though I can't take my tank with me and have had to let it go. I found a local buyer for the whole lot today and I'm pleased with the price I got.

Keeping a SW tank has been a great experience and one which I never expected to be quite so successful. I fully intend to keep a SW tank again once my budget allows (SW is very expensive in UK) and when I do I know where to come for help. You guys have been invaluable. If I do keep another tank I think I'd like to keep a solely one with purely inverts if that's feasible - has anyone heard of anyone else doing that??

Anyway, I'd just like to say a big thankyou to those of you who have so kindly shared your knowledge and experiences with me, and who have helped contribute to my tank become the beautiful display it was (and for a few days more still is). Special thanks go to Kahlua, Mushroomman, Salty Waters, Aresgod, Camaro, OCC and of course the almighty Wayne. Couldn't have done it without you. If I missed anyone I'm sorry. You guys have been great and I wish you and your wet ones every success in the future.

Thanks again so much all,


Edit - forgot to mention the mods. Froggy, Orion, Lotus and all the rest. Thanks for running this fantastic forum. Really is a great place and great work that you guys do.

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Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
I saw you were selling your setup and didnt believe it until I saw it was because you were moving back to the UK (dont want to imagine an attempted tank relocation like that haa)

best of luck back home in your search for quality supplies without bankrupting you.

take care


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Well just because you are moving across the pond doesn't mean you can't keep in touch. Once a salty always a salty.......Your input here will be missed

Jul 29, 2005
Sunny Cali & Rainy England
Thanks all of you for your kind words. I will keep in touch once and I will get my hands wet again. I really like to the idea of a purely invert tank and think it'll be one way to have a less costly display - less water changes, food, filtration needed etc. I know where to come when I do. Thanks guys and good luck to all of you in the future. *thumbsups


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
Visit site
I used to keep a purely invert 10 gallon, they are great, and can be very interesting, the problem with purely invert large tanks is that the small inverts tend to get lost and some you will see only every 6 months. Good luck with the move and I look forward to hearing about your new setup in the future.


Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
You will be back sooner then you think, just like KahluaZzZ thought he could get off the "SALT".... It's an addiction my friend!!! Come on maybe you could just TRY a small Nano tank it couldn't hurt.... come on, just one small Salt tank!!!!