leopard loach info needed!


Medium Fish
Jul 28, 2009
my lfs has a leopard loach for sale and he looks really interesting and full of character but i can't seem to find out anything about him so wondered if you guys have ever heard of or have any experience on leopard loaches???


Large Fish
Jun 4, 2009
I have heard the Kuhli loach referred to as leopard loach. Perhaps this is the fish you are interested in?
I have kept four of the Kuhli loaches for a couple years now. I keep them in pH of 7.4 and temp around76-77degrees. They are most active at dawn and dusk. They eat whatever they can find along the bottom but do not in my view,, compete very well with corydoras so I wouldn't place them with corys or other active bottom feeders. They very much appreciate little caves or rock formations that they can explore. Driftwood is also appreciated for resting,hiding,exploring. They will do much better with sand substrate or very fine gravel. They do love occasional frozen treats of brine shrimp,and blood worms in addition to the foods they can scavenge along the bottom. They don't seem to appreciate bright lights or bright colored substrates. Hope some of this helps.


Medium Fish
Jul 28, 2009
yeah thank you but did just look at pictures of kuhli loach and hes not one of them hes like a beige colour with black marks and some black spots? i'm generally thinking as he is deffo a loach he should be ok but bit worried bout how big he will grow and people in lfs said he keeps jumping in with jewel cichlids and fighting them for food!!