leporinus fascitus getting large


Large Fish
Jan 6, 2003
Have a great fish, my Leporinus fasciatus, which is fun to watch and social in her own way. She is about 4.5" now. The LFS - usually solid advice - underestimated her full potential. She can get to be 12" which will not work in my 30 gal where she is. The 50 gal is the peaceful aquarium tank where MAYBE I could give her a try. I am sure many people run into this --- I always ask for the full size before buying a fish and usually confirm the info on the net before buying. Got suckered on this one. What else can I do besides moving her into the other tank which is all small and peaceful fish? Thanks for any advice.


Large Fish
Mar 9, 2003
ontario, canada
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well its not positive that she will get to be 12" long so u could wait it out and if it seems he is unhappy then move him to the 55, i believe they are rather slow growers so ull have time. I kno i had one and in the 6 months he didnt grow much but yeh they are really nice active fish. So if hes happy and nice i the 30 then keephim there but if he starts gettin stressed out as hes larger than move him to the 50