lethargic betta


Large Fish
Nov 8, 2006
Newport News, VA
hi everyone! well i did it, what every betta lover does. i was walking by those little cups feeling so sad for the little guys, and a pretty gold betta flaired up and cought my eye. sadly his gills were swolen and i was afraid to bring him home, however right next to him was the most beautiful crowntail i have ever seen. hes dark blue, greenish, purpleish, and fushia. i brought him home, put him in my 1g bowl with treated water, a shell, and a fake plant. he swam around at first, but now a few hours later hes very lethargic and paler looking than before. hes resting on the plant and coming up for air. is he just getting used to his surroundings? tired from the move? or should i be worried? is there any thing i can do to pep him up? my last betta was great, always swimming around, esp when i was sitting and watching him. im prety sure he was a flirt!


Large Fish
Nov 8, 2006
Newport News, VA
a bit of an update, his coloring is coming back and this morning when i sat down to my desk he came out from hiding behind a plant to the front of the bowl to say hello :D he is still a little bit pale on the top and bottom of his head, and his gills are reddish, this could be part of his coloring, but who knows. i will post pictures when i get the chance.

Sep 10, 2004
Visit site
Hi. I don't know but he could be getting used to his bowl. Is he eating? As long as he is eating, he should be fine. I have one crowntail, and he is not very active but a beautiful fish. If he's not eating either, some betta's don't eat until they get used to their bowl. I do know my other three betta's are not active right now because it's cold here. Keep us posted. :)