lfs guy must be mental...

Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
he must be a nutta...tell me he can't do this...

60-70 malawi cichlids in a 190L tank...

that must be impossible...say it's not a goer...

'cos if it is...it's gonna look incredible... :):):):):):)

Sep 16, 2005
about 50g american...

and malawis are the bigger of the african varieties....(i estimate 6" avg.)

unless lfs man is talking fry, i'm gonna have to cast a vote for "no way in hell".


Large Fish
Jun 27, 2005
Do you mean he's putting them in there while he sells them or he's gonna keep them in there as a tank of his own?

The most Cichlids I've seen at my lfs is about 15-16 in a 10g,which looked crowded.

Cichlid-Man said:
Agree with the above. I'm guessing they are going to be Mbuna. With Malawi Haps there would be no way in hell basically.

The most i'd put in 50gals (Mbuna wise) would be about 20, and thats depending on the species and making sure i have a good m/f ratio.
Matt if he is going to have a 190 gallon tank, wouldn't that mean according to your calculations; he could put almost 80 Mbuna in that tank? Just curious as my wife and I want to stock our 60 gallon once we get it setup properly.