LFS New Supplier


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
As I have told you in the past, our LFS really isn't worth squat when it comes to selling corals of all types. He makes his money selling fish, both fresh and SW and always the same fish, which that dosn't bother me, I have all the fish for the most part that I want except for a nice Wrasse. Anyway, I went into the store today because I was on that side of town and he told me that he found a new supplier for corals that is going to send him a shipment, to be arriving next Tuesday or Wed., the shipment is going to have a few SPS corals and a bunch of polyps and zoas. He said he was just worried about getting stuck with inventory that he couldn't sell, I told him that if they are nice corals and the prices are right, people will buy, Anyway, I am happy about this order coming in, as I am tired of spending as much for shipping as the frag that I was buying cost, so much so that I had stopped buying corals on line. I will let you know what comes in on the shipment next week when it gets here. Mississippi moving up in the world, we are getting a frag tank at the LFS, lol. *SUNSMILE*


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
LOL, 50 stores in 50 miles Sounds like something you could put on a Tee Shirt, lol. I am sure he won't be getting much stuff in, the tank he puts his corals in is only about 50 gallons max, but its a start and I am sure people will buy, like I said, if you want corals here, its on line or nothing.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
just counted 54 stores on the LFS finder thru google maps that my reefclub has on the website.... its to bad i only frequent 2 of them and thats only to get my NSW and mysis n stuff like that everything else comes from local reefers... im poor and i have a nice tank, imagine what someone who has lots of money's tank would look like! lol youd be disgusted!


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I would like to go in some of those stores just to window shop and see what some of these corals look like that I see on line, that would probley cost me a few $$$$ though. The shipment is supposed to be here tommrow, I think, we will go see what comes in.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
if you ever go to disney or the orlando area the lfs of all lfs is up ther! its called world wide corals and tho ive never been ther myself i kno people that make the 3 hour drive just to go get frags! ive heard they have like every LE possible.... you can check out ther website but im sure its nothing like in person.... my favorite lfs down by me is called coral reef farm and its in a warehouse type building but they get the most amazing corals and ther prices are the best around


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
Well, the shipment came in yesterday, late. I went to the store today when I got off, all the good stuff was gone, lol. They still had plenty of nice looking corals, just not stuff I wanted, although they did have one thing I would have liked to have had and I may still go back and buy it. It is a toadstool, but not like the one I have in my tank now. The one I have, well it looks like a toadstool, lol, this one ( I have seen others on line that look like this) the stalk is kinda short and grows or looks like it lays on the LR and the head gets big and has ruffled edges. It is a nice sized one, about 5 inches around.