Life's Good

Jan 20, 2006
St. Charles, MO
I finally got everything cleared up. Fish are doing great. I went the other day and got a bio-wheel and the water cleared up of night. My water parameters check out great. I also raised my temp up to 80-82. No more algea. Life is good.*SUPERSMIL I think that i finally got everything under control, I think that I was trying to do to much at once and not letting things do it naturally. I do know better now. Thanks to everybody.

I do have one question why are my cory cats going up to the surface to get a breath of air and then going back done to the bottom?

Also, my pleco comes out when the light is on how cool*SUNSMILE*

Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
i have 6 cories...and i have watched for this behaviour...
as it is a important one at that ...

i was told that if this happens a LOT ...
then the tank water is not oxygenated enough...

it never happens in my tank...
kinda shame as i think it looks cool...

i would increase your surface agitation if i were you... :):)

groovy ple*o by the sound of it...
mine only comes out in the light if he's really hungry ...
does your guy get a full range of goodies..
pellets...wafers...cucumber ... ???

Sep 8, 2005
I think it really depends on the species of cory. I have 8 different species and the panda cories run the wall and the top of the tank all the time. This is their normal behavior. Now if some of my others started doing this I'd be concerned. Oxygen and water parameters should be checked and the temp of the water.

Nov 3, 2005
'serendipity' tank
prettypleco said:
I think it really depends on the species of cory. I have 8 different species and the panda cories run the wall and the top of the tank all the time. This is their normal behavior. Now if some of my others started doing this I'd be concerned. Oxygen and water parameters should be checked and the temp of the water.

good point...mine are leopard cories...
they run the walls all the time...

but it's the 'spike' to the surface that's an indicator...
mine have never done it...[powerhead at surface]...
parameters spot on...ph7.2 ... temp 24 Centigrade...[75F]... :)

Jan 20, 2006
St. Charles, MO
I'm running two filters right now my new bio-wheel and the filter that came with the tank so I think that there is enough oxygen in the water, maybe its just the cats cause they only do it every once in a while but the have been staying up towards the middle of the tank. Maybe they are just used to the tank now and like to be seen, which is good they are beautiful fish.


Superstar Fish
Nov 22, 2004
Cape Cod, MA
Visit site
LOL, it's not that their intestines need air or that they eat it -- they can absorb oxygen through their gut so, especially if water conditions aren't to their liking, they'll scoot up to the top and swallow some air. Some cories run the glass anyways and will occasionally make a surface run, but if your cories are constantly going to the surface to gulp air, I'd test my water for sure.