Light for Ricordeas


Superstar Fish
Dec 10, 2006
im planning to get some Ricordeas there about $10 per head over here. im just oging to get a cheap head and see how well it does. If all goes well i'll get the red ones....

right now im thinking of getting a 70 MH over a 10g.

or 32w CP over a 3g. (well maybe 18w with a 13w)

reminder its for only 1 head if not more.

btw knowledge is pretty limited about these guys so personal experiance or enlightenment is appreciated! =p

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Large Fish
Apr 19, 2006
Are you still treating for ich? I wish you'd concetntrate on getting that fixed. Rics are qite light hungry, and the more you light them up the better colours you'll get.
I would not get a 70 MH as the supply of spare bulbs is quite small, it's definitely a minority product.


Superstar Fish
Dec 10, 2006
alright but i dont want to be thos hardcore reefers that uses 400 MH over their 20g tank just to raise SPS and clams...

if i use a 3g tank is 18-32w PC ligh enough?

but if i use my 10g i'll have an option of using 2x 32w or a 96w PC quad of course.

oh and the ich problem seems to be disappearing each day. there was a day that i saw no white dots but i'll continue the QT.

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
Your ich is not disappearing. It's falling off the fish and moving to the next stage. I can't remember exactly, but I think they take a week or so to spawn. This is when you will have A LOT of them then they will look for hosts. If you don't have any fish than it can take, I believe, 3 weeks for them to die because they cannot find a host. You want to go 6 weeks from the last seen white dot.


Superstar Fish
Dec 10, 2006
Are you still treating for ich? I wish you'd concetntrate on getting that fixed. Rics are qite light hungry, and the more you light them up the better colours you'll get.
I would not get a 70 MH as the supply of spare bulbs is quite small, it's definitely a minority product.

im planning to use a 20w 6500k CP for a while until i get a 32w system.

will that be too intense?
the water depth is about 7"
the coral is going to be about 3" from the surface after the sand a rocks are in place.
and the light is going to be 7" from the surface.

i know the WPG is a poor way to calculate light needs so i just want to go in depth.


Small Fish
Jun 22, 2006
I've kept ricordia floridas and yumas for a good 6 years now. Which species are you planning to keep? Both ricordias will do well under pc lighting. I have had a 5 gallon tank with 36 watt pc's and the rics were doing great..until a tank crash. Floridas can handle a lot more light and from my experiences yumas don't need as much light as the floridas. Yumas I believe can actually melt and die off if they get too much light. Right now my floridas/yumas are sitting in a 20g tank with 110w pc's. They are doing excellent and have split and grown babies. I would start with the cheap ones and then move your way up once you know they can be acclimated in your tank. Good luck!


Superstar Fish
Dec 10, 2006
ic...i dont think i'll be getting any yumas. but someday i want to get at least every kind. i also heard that strong kelvin lvls are needed to for some kinds. is that true?

right now i just have a 20w PC over a 3g tank. i might switch to 26w

anyways the bulb is 6500k is that good enough? or should i add some of thos blue 03 lighting?


Small Fish
Jun 22, 2006
I say a good 55w pc would get them to grow. MH would definitly get them to grow faster. Key is not moving them around once you put them in your tank. They grow much faster if you just leave them alone. =)


Superstar Fish
Dec 10, 2006
55w is like wat? 20"? my tank is only about 12" long so most of the light will be lost. thats wat i was planning to use a MH.

2X 32w set up might be one of my options but thats going to cost be about another $40 to do....

im just going to add another light or move it closer to the tank too see if that makes any difference.