Lighting a 55 gallon aquarium

Feb 5, 2009
I need a light for my aquarium and I can't find any that are strong enough. I need an 18 inch 2-pin either compact fluorescent or T5 light bulb that is at least 50 watts. Does that even exist?


Large Fish
Sep 20, 2008
San Diego
Sure does. Now I assume because you said 18 inch, you have a 55 cube. The LFS in my area has one of these set up really nicely with something like 80 watts of power compacts on it. Theirs is heavily planted so that much wattage is appropriate. Are you planning on having plants or just want to light it up? Either way, THIS is what they were using.

Now if I'm wrong in assuming the length of your tank, then there are definitely other options for longer lights.