Lighting - Black Skirt Tetras

Mar 1, 2006
chicago, il
I have a question about the lighting in a tank with 4 black skirts and 3 blue danios and a common pleco.. well when i turn the lights on in my tank my black skirts go and hide and their black fins lose their blackness. they stay hidden until i turn the lights off and after the lights are turned off, their fins turn back to black in about 5 minutes. are black skirts naturally scared of light? when they go and hide they move as if they are being chased and moev the gravel around and a lot of stuff gets pushed aroudn and it clouds up the tank some what.

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Do you turn the room lights on first and/or open the blinds before turning the tank light on? If not, then it's not surprising that the sudden brightness is scaring the daylights out of them!

Try turning on room lights first for a few minutes before turning on the tank light, and see if that helps.

Big Vine

Mar 1, 2006
chicago, il
The lights stay off during the day theres plenty of light with the sun. In the evening we turn the lights on in the house and later in the evening me, before putting kids to sleep, we turn the lights on and the black skirts all hide and stay hidin till i turn the lights back off. Should I Turn lights on in the room in the morning for a little while then open sum blinds and then turn the lights on in the tank and leave them on all day?