Lighting for Plants - Major Confusion Here!


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
:eek:Hi all. New to the forum and fairly new to the hobby and need some guidance. THE subject in aquarium plant success, it seems, is lighting. I'm hopelessly confused! I have a 4 foot, 55 gal tank with two fitted hoods - each has a 15W 18" fluorescent tube (all this came in a kit). This is fine for seeing fish but.....I also want to grow great plants. From what I read, this is definitely not enough light. But the quandary is - how do you get more fluorescent light tubes in that little space above the glass? I'm pretty sure I want to stick with fluorescents but wish to increase the wattage and get the right spectrum because they're more economical. I know NOTHING about DIY electrical stuff and am very reluctant about electrical stuff being near that much water. This means I understand none of the instructions given for wiring ballasts to make your own hood and wouldn't know where to find such a thing. (I did look at the one home improvement center that we have and there didn't look like too much to choose from.)

As an alternative I'm thinking about suspending shop lights from the ceiling and either making or having made some sort of glass or plexi-glass cover for the top of the tank (because I don't want my fish to end up jumping out of the tank and becoming kitty treats! LOL) with a cutout portion for the power filter and heater hanging on the back of the tank. Of course this would mean I'll lose the use of my existing hoods and I'm not sure hubby's going to like that too much as shop lights don't have the most decorative appeal and he would have to move his one trophy deer that I let him hang in my den. Does anyone have any advice here or suggestions? I've read so much information on this stuff that my head is spinning! All I want are plants that flourish so my fishies are happy and my tank looks nice -- at a price that is economical.




Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ok first of all 2 flurencent tubes is well enough to grow great plants it is more a case of picking the right ones I ave a heavily planted 50 gal and at present I am using one moon glow at the back which is pucker for plants and a pink in the front which is top for showing off your fishes colours the moon glow also makes your plants look really green, you can also buy grow lux bulbs which are designed for plants One thing you may want to take into consideration is the temp of the water I keep mine at about 78-79 (make sure your fish are ok with this) also you might want to get some otto's as the keep your plant leaves clean.

If you go to your local aquarium they sell made easy diy kits for lighting.
Hope this has been helpful

from the legend that is....

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I actually had the same strip light surfergal mentioned. it was 2 - 15 wat bulbs(one hood) Most newer hoods are one 40 watt bulb.

This single hood is by no means adequete for plants. You may get away with java moss, fern, horwort, and hygrophilla sperma, but that is if they are right under it.

I had 80 watts and it was still not great at all. So I went for a while 1 twin shop light with a single 40 watt strip. again, it was ok. I now use two twin shoplights and stand at 160 watts. I get great plant growth.

There are also twin 48 inch strip lights sold. Your 55 gallon could easily hold a twin and a single would just have to put the single on top or off the tank when feeding.

I would also buy a full glass top. Much nicer than the one the lights come with.

You now have to decide what plants you want, how planted you want the tank and address their needs.

Remember, the higher up you hang the  light, the less effective it will be(for florecents). So you would have to hang it like a 1/2 inch above the glass.

With more lighting comes new situations(like adding liquid ferts and Co2)

You may want to just stay at a lower light level and stick with low light plants that live off the Nitrates in your tank.