Lighting Options


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
We have a 26 gal tank and planned on using plants for the main decor.  Our tank is taller than it is wide.  Unfortunately, the problem we've encountered is in limited lighting options.  The tank hood came with one 18" light fixture.  It seems that no one makes higher intensity bulbs in 18".   :(

The best we found is 15 watts.  We have Amazon Swords that require moderate to strong lighting.  The formula of 2 watts per gal of water equates to 52 watts.
The closest we've found to a solution is metal halide which is way to pricey.

Any ideas?   ???


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
AHSupply offers Power Compact Fluorescent lighting kits that should work in some combination for your tank. Be advised, the 2-4wpg rule doesn't apply equally to these fixtures. They produce a lot more light by reducing restrike, (T-5 tube vs. T-12 tube) very efficient reflector, and efficient electronic ballast. You do have to build your own enclosure and wire everthing up yourself, though their customer service is excellent and extremely knowledgable. Here's the website with information about the Brite Light kits. A 36W kit would be equal to the 2wpg NO linear fluorescent for your tank.


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I took a peek at the site.  Thanks Framer.  I'm beginning to think its just easier to give up the Amazons.  I like my hood.  It seems you gotta go ugly on the outside to get beauty on the inside.
:-/  Not crazy about it.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
[quote author=tizme link=board=freshwatergeneral&num=1027095578&start=0#2 date=07/20/02 at 07:47:06]
I took a peek at the site.  Thanks Framer.  I'm beginning to think its just easier to give up the Amazons.  I like my hood.  It seems you gotta go ugly on the outside to get beauty on the inside.
:-/  Not crazy about it.

Why don't you just retrofit some power compacts into your hood? has some retrofits power compacts also.


Jay S.


Amazons don't require intense lighting BTW. You could probably get away with the lighting you have to keep them alive, and by using fertilizer tabs.

The only thing you will notice is the leaves on your swords won't actually grow into "swords" they will grow blunt leaves with long stems, but I am sure they will grow in your conditions providing that you give them the proper fertilizers to grow. "they are a root feeder"

I myself use Power Compacts "love em"

but if you don't want to go the distance, why don't you take a trip to your local home depot and pick up some screw in power compacts? I am sure you can get the sockets,wireing and everything you need right there to do the job.

I have heard from other people that the screw in's work great on small tanks.

Just my 2@

Good Luck!

Oct 22, 2002
#1 whats your budget?
#2 power compacts make everything in your tank look nicer than using NO lighting.
#3 you dont' need MH on your tank unless you want to grow corals
#4 if your thinking about upgrading your lighting for some swords, you may as well do some research into other plants you may want to keep eventually. on a 26gallon I'd recommend picking up a 2x55w PC hood, there is one at my LFS for 99$ thats about as good as it gets. Add a little DIY CO2, and you'll have a championship tank in no time.