We have a 26 gal tank and planned on using plants for the main decor. Our tank is taller than it is wide. Unfortunately, the problem we've encountered is in limited lighting options. The tank hood came with one 18" light fixture. It seems that no one makes higher intensity bulbs in 18".
The best we found is 15 watts. We have Amazon Swords that require moderate to strong lighting. The formula of 2 watts per gal of water equates to 52 watts.
The closest we've found to a solution is metal halide which is way to pricey.
Any ideas? ???
The best we found is 15 watts. We have Amazon Swords that require moderate to strong lighting. The formula of 2 watts per gal of water equates to 52 watts.
The closest we've found to a solution is metal halide which is way to pricey.
Any ideas? ???