Lighting over a planted 29


Large Fish
Oct 6, 2005
Ok, I am getting ready to plant the 29 gallon tank. Right now I have a single tube light strip that is 30" long. What I am wondering is if I could get this:;category_id=1853;pcid1=1843;pcid2=

Is this light strip going to be too wide or is it ok to replace the one I have now? Also, would it be easier to get just get a 96 watt single bulb for the strip that I already? Something like this:;category_id=1845;pcid1=1843;pcid2=

My next question... How do I know what length my bulb is now? If my whole strip is a 30" and the bulb looks like it is set in a couple of inches on both sides does that mean that I have a 26" bulb? Or am I getting this mixed up and the sticker is saying that I have a 30" bulb and the strip is longer? I have tried to get the bulb out but I don't know how and I don't want to break it. Also, do I havet o buy a new starter every time I buy a new bulb? I wouldn't think so but I am not really sure so I thought I would ask. Thanks alot for any help you guys!


Large Fish
Oct 6, 2005

I have a question, too... could someone please explain the NO overdrive for me in extremely laman terms?!? I just cannot wrap my brain around this at all! Could you please tell me EEXACTLY what I need to do in order to get about 3-4 watts per gallon over a 29 gallon tank? I also need it to be cheap!! :D


Large Fish
Sep 6, 2005
That's kind of a funky size for lighting, and it doesn't leave you two many options. The dual tube strip you mentioned first will probably not even make it to 2 wpg. The second is just a bulb, and you would need a power compact fixture. Most of the power compact stuff available in 30 inches is either 1x65watts or 2x65 watts. Those choices will put you around 2 wpg or 4+ wpg respectively. But they are not cheap.

Here's a few.;category_id=1875;pcid1=1843;pcid2=;category_id=1875;pcid1=1843;pcid2=;category_id=1875;pcid1=1843;pcid2=


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
I belive that the bulb itself is probably 24".

On each end of the bulb there are two prongs. You have to twist the bulb to line up these prongs with the slit in the endcap (what holds the bulbs) and the bulb should just slide right out. Please unplug the light before doing this just for safety's sake.

If you have the standard hood and don't want to replace it, have you thought about a little DIY by getting a kit from They have pretty good prices on PC bulbs and fixtures that will deffintaly be an upgrade from what you currently have.

The starter is what charges up to ignite the bulb when you first turn it on. You do not need to replace these unless they go bad, and they will from time to time but not often. You do not need to change these when you get a new bulb. But if your light strip does have a starter then it most likley uses a magnetic balast, and you will be unable to overdrive them. You can only overdrive electronic balast's. Other than that I can't help much on the over driving as I've never done it.

May 9, 2005
I myself would like to setup a 29 gallon, and am thinking about lighting. It will be near a window so that will provide alot light. For a supplement im thinking about a normal household compact fluroescent 26 watt that gives off about 100 watts of incandescent lighting. Trust me, they are REAL bright. Not sure if they will do but 2 definetly would. Problem is there arnt any incandescent hoods are there? The largest of seen only go up to 10 gallon.


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
I suggest you get 4 shop light kits from Home Depot at $8 a piece. Then run only four 24" bulbs off of the 4 ballast kits designed to run two 48" bulbs. This result is called overdriving, and you will end up with about 160 watts, all of which you will both appreciate and need when planting a 29 gallon tank, which is a bad aspect ratio for planting and still getting light all the way to the bottom.


Medium Fish
Jul 13, 2005
First of all, before you worry about lighting, what type of fertilization do you do? Do you inject CO2? If you try to acheive too much light without proper fertilization, CO2 injection, and frequent water changes, you will have MAJOR algae problems. I currently have a 50G planted that takes the same width bulb as a 29G. I suggest power compact all the way. Shoot for 6700K color bulbs. Most of the PC fixtures come with these. Stay away from actnic, it is for reef aquariums. The replacement bulbs run about $30.00 (every 8 months to a year). If you are not using CO2, stay with a single bulb. If those things are in your future, go for the double. Expect at least a $110.00 investment in lighting to properly light a planted aquarium. Trust me, the problems that you will encounter with less than 2 wpg of light will be a lot more frustrating than forking over the money to do it one time the right way.


Large Fish
Oct 6, 2005
Ok, after some looking around and debating and alot of head scratching and foot tapping, I have decided to buy the 2x55 watt kit from AHSupply and Joey is going to build the hood for it. I am pretty happy with this decision. I can now paint the new hood black to match the stand (the light now is oak) and still be able to use my glass and "lift top" hood. I just havet o replace the lighting fixture. A pretty good deal to me and fairly simple, it seems, to do. After I get this all set up then I will be starting up the co2. I was planning on using the DIY that is stickied on here. IT says it is appropriate for up to 30 gallons. Will it still be appropriate with this amout of lighting? Iw ill get more into that when it is time though. Thanks everyone for your help!! Let me know if you have any other suggestions. :)