Lights for leopard bush fish

Sep 27, 2009
Well I recently got rid of all my community fish and gave them to my cousins. So I decided to start putting new fish in. So far I have 2 leopard bush fish, 2 giant danios aand one dinosaur bichir. I'm not planing on getting any more fish. I understand that leopard bush fish are kinda shy but I want to know if they are sensitive to bright lights cause they tend to hide in the caves in my aquarium most of the time? Thanks

Feb 27, 2009
Those I kept years ago were not shy, provided they had lots of places to hide. They are night ambush stalkers so like to hide and wait for something tasty to swim/float by.

The more places to hide, the more often they are out it seemed. I also diffused the light with floating plants and tannins.

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