Thanks to Orion, Fishgeek, FWJeff, and The Fool for alerting me to these interesting and very unique fish. I discovered the uaru fish forum and posted the following and would like to post here as well...
I am in the end-stages of cycling a 180 gallon tank and am still thinking of what I'm going to stock.
My original idea was this:
1 oscar
1 EBJD (blue jack dempsey)
1 green severum
Possibly a blue acara
5-7 Firemouths (could be problematic here with aggression among them)
The only fish I have right now is the EBJD, which is in a 29 gallon. He's barely an inch right now too.
Other than keeping discus and angels, I'm new to big SA/CA cichlids. Several people have recommended uarus to me but informed me I'd have to mix up the stocking some.
I have a few questions...
One, can a uaru be kept solo? What I'm looking for is a centerpiece fish and the unique beauty of the uaru does it for me. I would change out the oscar for the uaru, though I've read some posts here where members have kept the two together successfully.
And two, are uarus really as "difficult" to keep as discus? I've read a lot about that, mainly on aquahobby, and I really, really want to keep this 180 gallon stocked with more easygoing fish and not have change the water twice a week like I do with my discus and angel.
I have soft tap water which fluctuates some, anywhere from 6.4-6.8 pH. Also I have terracotta pots and driftwood in the 180 gallon and will go for a blackwater setup. Filtration is a the biggest AC, an XP4, and an Emperor.
I'd rather not put any plastic plants in the tank as I'm going for a more open, raw look to this system (my other tanks are all full of plants).
Substrate is playsand, which I've used in the past for several tanks and had no problem. Could the light-colored sand be an issue with the uaru?
Right now the only fish definitively going into the 180 is my EBJD.
I know it will depend on his temperament, but is this just asking for trouble to begin with?
I would love to hear any advice, comments, or suggestions, especially if my ideas won't gel at all with uarus.
I am quite open to mixing up the stocking list and even having multiple uarus if need be, and/or keeping the oscar and not adding the rest, save for maybe a severum and the EBJD of course.
Finally, what's a ballpark figure of the cost of a small uaru from the LFS?
I am in the end-stages of cycling a 180 gallon tank and am still thinking of what I'm going to stock.
My original idea was this:
1 oscar
1 EBJD (blue jack dempsey)
1 green severum
Possibly a blue acara
5-7 Firemouths (could be problematic here with aggression among them)
The only fish I have right now is the EBJD, which is in a 29 gallon. He's barely an inch right now too.
Other than keeping discus and angels, I'm new to big SA/CA cichlids. Several people have recommended uarus to me but informed me I'd have to mix up the stocking some.
I have a few questions...
One, can a uaru be kept solo? What I'm looking for is a centerpiece fish and the unique beauty of the uaru does it for me. I would change out the oscar for the uaru, though I've read some posts here where members have kept the two together successfully.
And two, are uarus really as "difficult" to keep as discus? I've read a lot about that, mainly on aquahobby, and I really, really want to keep this 180 gallon stocked with more easygoing fish and not have change the water twice a week like I do with my discus and angel.
I have soft tap water which fluctuates some, anywhere from 6.4-6.8 pH. Also I have terracotta pots and driftwood in the 180 gallon and will go for a blackwater setup. Filtration is a the biggest AC, an XP4, and an Emperor.
I'd rather not put any plastic plants in the tank as I'm going for a more open, raw look to this system (my other tanks are all full of plants).
Substrate is playsand, which I've used in the past for several tanks and had no problem. Could the light-colored sand be an issue with the uaru?
Right now the only fish definitively going into the 180 is my EBJD.
I know it will depend on his temperament, but is this just asking for trouble to begin with?
I would love to hear any advice, comments, or suggestions, especially if my ideas won't gel at all with uarus.
I am quite open to mixing up the stocking list and even having multiple uarus if need be, and/or keeping the oscar and not adding the rest, save for maybe a severum and the EBJD of course.
Finally, what's a ballpark figure of the cost of a small uaru from the LFS?