Lil White Worms on Glass

Mar 20, 2003
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Just notice little white worms?? slithering on the glass of the tank. Just added live plant from the pet store and am not sure if these are bad... In the tank there are 6 piranha and it is 125+ gallons. wut are these things???


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2003
are they very thin like spider web and about 1/2 long? if so, they are probably nematoads(sp). they are not harmful for the fish. infact, your fish will eat them... if you starve they a bit. feed your fish every other day for a week. they will eat all those worms.

they are not harmful but they are gross. they are hard to kill too because like other worms, they can live normally when they are cut in half or in many small pieces. if your fish are over fed or have excess food, they won't eat these guys. not sure why but as soon as you cut down on fish food, your fish will scavenge and get them.


Large Fish
Jan 28, 2003
Louisville ky

Look what i found out about nematodes

The Biostrike™ HB Nematodes are microscopic type worms that live naturally in the soil and attack only insects. When applied to soil, these nematodes begin to seek out insect pests. When a host is located, they enter the larvae's body through natural openings, penetrate into the insect's blood stream and release a bacterium. This bacterium causes a general systemic infection throughout the insect body and death in 24-48 hours. Once the insect is dead, the nematode/bacterium reproduce creating two to three generations. Eventually, these new nematodes will leave the host and return to the soil in search of new hosts. The nematodes in BioStrike™ HB will attack only insects and do not parasitize plants.


Large Fish
Feb 21, 2003
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Not the same type of nematode. That kind of nematode attacks larvae in your backyards and such. Say, jap beetle infestations. The jap beetles are larvae underground, add the nematodes to your lawn and it'll take care of the bettle problems.


Guys, you have it all wrong! These are Planaria, a flatworm that usually come about in tanks where there is excess food due to overfeeding.
They "glide" along surfaces such as the inside of the glass, ornaments and even the underside surface of the water, but are most noticed on the inside glass just above the gravel. These worms do not swim throughout the open water but can get caught up in currents and are expelled from one area to another where they will attach themselves to any surface they can...including fish. Some may have even been brought into your aquarium on a fish or two that you recently added.

They are not harmful, but unless removed through cleanings and water changes, they can accumulate to very large numbers. Should you discover these tiny white critters in your tank, give it a thorough cleaning and cut back on the amount of food you feed your fish. Eventually, any that may not have been removed through your cleaning, will die off from starvation.

Another way to help eliminate them is to equip your aquarium with a bottom feeder such as a plecostomus. Not only will this fish help to keep your tank free of excess food, but it will also eat the planaria and any other uninvited guests that may be in your tank. Some fish such as tiger barbs, angelfish and most fry have also been known to eat these invaders, as you may have noticed that they sometimes "pick" at the glass or even other fish.

Most likely you have excess waste. Any bottom feeders? What about cleaning the gravel? Just a thought. I also heard that you can raise the temp a bit, but i dont know how much or for how long. <shrug> There is also an additive you can add (I dont remember the name)but its quite expensive and you need to remove plants and carbon and other things in your tank that could be harmed.


Just my two cents.

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Medium Fish
Mar 24, 2003
Dallas Texas
I had this before. I read that you could o.d. with Amquel, so I tried it. I added a large bottle of Amquel to my 10g and within 24 hours all of the planaria were gone, and my water params were fine. Adding more than the recomended of Amquel is fine.

Mar 20, 2003
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They are "nestworms" (ba-le-ma-toids) and i found that scraping them off the glass with a sponge and putting ick medicine in the filter got rid of them over a week or so... Nest worms are from the stool in the fish and are not harmful unless you overfeed the fish.


Large Fish
Jan 28, 2003
Louisville ky
Its scarry sticking your hand in your tank when you have any type of worm in it lolz. I always think what if its a parasite and it comes in under my finger nail :( gross lol but iv seen alot of people show or talk about some weird things lerking in their aquarium!