live plants dieing?

shark shak

Medium Fish
Mar 2, 2006
i have a 20 gallon tank and live plants.they are developing a rust like color on noticing some of my barbs eating one of my plants but none of the other plants so i dont think its because there eating the plant because they all have the rust like color. please help me. why is this happening


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
There aren't many people on right now. You have to be patient.

I can't help you with your plants, but while you are waiting, you can do some things to make it possible for someone who knows about plants to help you.

In order for someone to help you, you need to find out the wattage of your light. It should be printed on the bulb. You need to know as much about your water parameters as you can. Do you have any test kits? You should tell how long your tank has been set up, how long the plants have been in, what kind of filtration you have, your tank maintenance routine (water changes & such), if you have added anything to the water, things like that. And you need to try and figure out what your plant is. You can look at the plant profiles here at MFT, or you can look at websites that sell aquarium plants, just google for them. If nothing else, take a picture of your plants and post it up. These things will really help people here to try and figure out the problem.


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
If you can't provide the necessary information, it's kind of tough for anyone to give advice worth anything.
Have you read the stickies in the aquatic plants forum? They can tell you a lot about taking care of your plants.
This is a hobby that can be very rewarding, but only if you do your 'homework' and learn how to keep you fish and plants alive and healthy. No one can magically give you all the answers; you have to work to find them, but it's worth it. It's an accomplishment you will be proud of.
Everyone here is willing to help you out as we can, but you have to do your part as well.

shark shak

Medium Fish
Mar 2, 2006
im very sorry for lack of information,im also sorry for any confusion about witch tank has witch 20 gallon has the live plants with 2 bala sharks 6 barbs and one irredescent shark.
my ten gallon has plastic plants and 3 tinfoil barbs


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
homebunnyj said:
In order for someone to help you, you need to find out the wattage of your light. It should be printed on the bulb. You need to know as much about your water parameters as you can. Do you have any test kits? You should tell how long your tank has been set up, how long the plants have been in, what kind of filtration you have, your tank maintenance routine (water changes & such), if you have added anything to the water, things like that. And you need to try and figure out what your plant is. You can look at the plant profiles here at MFT, or you can look at websites that sell aquarium plants, just google for them. If nothing else, take a picture of your plants and post it up. These things will really help people here to try and figure out the problem.
Did you read this? We really do need some more information. :)

shark shak

Medium Fish
Mar 2, 2006
its probably 10-15 what,the plants have been in the tank for about three assistant at a store told me that it was the plants way of getting way of excess there any truth to that

Jan 27, 2004
Nipomo CA
Plants can take up some of the nitrates that are produced my your fish(first they make ammonia then bacteria change it into nitrite then other bacteria change it into nitrate) nitrate is least toxic of the three but still must be removed from the tank. Best way is to be doing water changes. I have found that it is best to get a handle of fish before jumping into plants. I have been keeping fish for over 5 years and still have yet to have really any live plants. And have seen no adverse effects on the fish.


Large Fish
Oct 6, 2005
Ok, no, the rust color isn't the plants way of getting rid of waste... did I really read that right!!! Surely to heck that person did not say that! Anyway.... chances are is that it is probably a diatom algae forming. You can just wipe it off. Your tank is still new so this happens in new tanks. It may start to develop on your gravel and your glass and whatever else is in your tank. It is usually caused by a lack of lighting. Also, it could be that your plant is dying... again, probably from lack of light. WE really need to know your exact wattage, your exact plant and what type of substrate it is in... actually you said it was a floater... are you positive of this? That may the problem, it may need to be rooted. get back with more info and we can help you better.