Live Rock and QT Questions

Aug 17, 2008
Ok, so after losing my angelfish recently, to what could either be Ick or Lymphocystis, I am certain that something needs to be changed. I don't have any live rock and would like to purchase that soon. I am thinking of moving my two clowns and the damsel to my QT tank and treating them for ick. Meanwhile, if I'm correct about this, the main display tank will rid itself of the ick since there won't be any inhabitants in there. Right? I still need to read up on what exactly to give the fish or what to do to the SW parameters for treating ick.

I'd like to add the live rock to the display tank while my fish are in QT. Obviously I'd want to buy it cured since I won't have any place to QT the rock. Where do you all recommend buying cured live rock at a decent price?? I don't have any trustworthy LFS nearby so I guess I'd have to order it online. Also, is there a big difference in the quality or price of Fiji vs. some other kind of rock?

Does this plan sound terms of adding the rock to the main tank while the fish are in QT? Thanks!


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
yes that sounds like a solid plan. If that is the case you could buy cured live rock online through any reputable dealer such as Premium Aquatics, Dr Foster & Smith or from ebay as I know some people have had good luck buying from ebay sellers. You may also check out craigslist or local reef clubs as there is usually someone breaking down a tank and willing to sell their live rock. Once you get the rock you should rinse it well with saltwater mix and then place it in your tank and start measuring your parameters for ammonia, then nitrite and then once everything come to zero for a week you can safely assume it has cycled. Don't put any rock or sand in your qt and you would want to make sure that the qt has some pvc pipe etc to provide hiding places for your fish while they are in there. Light isn't important but should have some standard pc light etc. to give them some sense of day/night. You will want to set up the qt with some sort of filter such as a hang on which will need to be dilligently cleaned and water changes done frequently as you won't have any other biological filtration......the qt should be cycled first to ensure you don't kill off the new arrivals with an ammonia spike....this can be done by introducing some flake food or some piece of sponge or something from the main tank.....Once your fish are in the qt you will want to start to gradually lower the salinity over time to kill off the ich. You should read up on hyposalinity method of combatting ich. I know Joefish on here has done it successfuly.