live rock help

Jun 1, 2009
Rhode IslANd
Hey I was looking for some opinions on live rock. I have 20g nano that already has about 45 pounds of live rock. It has enough. However my friend just broke his tank down he's had it running for 6 years. He gave me about 30lbs of live rock. I don't have the room in my tank. I decided in a couple months ill buy a new bigger tank. However in the meantime, can I leave the live rock in a tote filled with saltwater? I'd hate to see it have maximum die off? Any opinions or advice would be greatly appreciated!


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
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If you put a sump above you tank, drilled (like a rubbermaid plastic bin)...with a powerhead pumping from the tank to the sump, you might not have to kill the rocks.
Rubbermaid = 5$, flexible plastic tubing @ home depot = 3$. GE 1200 silicon (this one doesn't have anti-fungus that can be irritating)= 6$. Powerhead = 15$. Killing live rock = Priceless ;) ..but seriously it can work