Live Rock I got today


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
Lotus, Iam going to call PA and order all the rest of my LR from them today, the LFS guy will let me use the money I prepaid him for LR to go towards my live stock. He approved all the fish on my wish list except 2, says no to the 2 Wrasse's and the pistol shrimp. Out of the twenty or so corals on my wish list, lol, he approved 2. He said just about all my corals on my list need 600 plus more powerful lighting than what I have now with the T5s. I will post the coral list this afternoon after work.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Why no pistol shrimp? The tiger pistol is a nice little shrimp and easy to pair up with a watchman type gobie? Mine has been a model citizen for over 3 years.....

Grrr. can't view pics at work. When you place the order with PA get them to mix in two other types of rock for better biodiversity. They keep all their rock in separate pools. I think I saw on their website that they are having a sale on that Nomaru rock..... just tell them what you want and they are pretty darn good at putting it together for you. I would get them to throw in some crud/mud a few pounds to jump start your fuge.....full of critters and stuff.....great for a refugium.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
The 3 large pieces of LR I got yesterday were Nomaro LR, today I called PA and ordered 2 more Lg pieces of Nomaro, I also ordered 30lbs Fiji LR, and 50lbs Timora Lr. I went to the LFs where I took the LR back the other day, and he is ordering me the 70lbs of Fiji LR I have already paid him for. That will just about do it for the LR, I hope. The order from PA will be here Wed. and the order from the LFS will be here Thursday.
I didn't ask the LFS man why no Pistol Shrimp, I havent talked to him, I E-mailed him my list. The only reason I can think of would be because I might not have enough sand on the bottom of my tank to meet the pistol shrimps needs. I only have about 1 1/2 inches of sand. I will say this wrong so don't hold me to this, The LFS man told me one time (something like this) since you will be using a skimmer and your LR as your only filter in your tank you don't want to have a thick sand base in your tank because it will (can't remember this part) cause nitrates or something to be high and you don't want that.
As far as him shooting down my corals list, seems like I picked alot of stagshorn type corals. He said that although T5 lighting will grow these types of corals, the down side would be that the blues and the greens of these corals would be sort of brownish in color because the T5s would not be strong enough to help the corals retain their vibrant colors. I kinda want to ask him why he recommended that I buy the T5s in the first place, he new I wanted to have corals in my tank.
Any thoughts ya"ll have on this issue will be greatly appreciated.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Well a deep sand bed one that is 4-6 inches in depth is beneficial as the depth allows an anerobic area where nitrates are converted to nitrogen gas and it bubbles up and out. The problem arises when something disturbs this anerobic area and gas is released prior to the complete causing a release of gas that can poison a tank......a properly working deep sand bed is not a detriment but beneficial. A pistol shrimp could disturb this anerobic area and not allow it to work properly. This site will give a good foundation and information on deep sand beds. Personally I like mine and have never had any problems with mine, shrimp or not....
