
Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
#2 it the little pink spots we are looking at?

just looks like algae to me...there are a lot of macroalgaes which grow in some pretty amazing forms, so it could be one of those...if you can get a larger picture of just one of the little fellers it might help

sorry i cant give you more



Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
hey DSK, I have a question for ya:

what is this "purple sponge algae" which you keep mentioning? i've never heard anything called this before? is it just the regular pink/purple coraline stuff? or is it something else?


Large Fish
Oct 12, 2004
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Hey Camaro did you have a long night last night. Every time i write something YOU have something to say and in fact purple sponge algae is exactly that a PURPLE SPONGE -- i thought you would know being an "experienced" aquarist that some sponges appear green because algae clings to them. The algae provide oxygen for the sponge and the sponge provides carbon dioxide for the algae. When two living things live off of one another, it is called symbiosis. which is that same for purple, pink, green, brown, or any color for that matter. so by me saying " purple sponge algae" would mean PURPLE ALGAE stick to a SPONGE. Now you do know what a sponge is right? and by the way what did you mean when you said "I think you better hang on to the woman... she looks nice to have around" (in a different post)- it really doesnt make sense if it was directed toward's me. Back to the topic - it is basically Purple Plate Coralline Algae, or ( so there are no miscommuntication )Mesophyllum sp. stuck to sponge. I hope i answered your ? well enough for you (By the way dont question my intelligence ) Hope you sleep good tonight buddy. -- Maybe you wont be so argumenative tomorrow.

Sep 30, 2004
Niwot, CO.
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Okay I figured out I have a few baby glass anenome's and i'm purchasing a cleaner shrimp or as my girlfriend would say jock from finding Nemo... LOL ahhhh, any way I bought 2 more hermits to help with the algae it's been one day and i can all ready see the difference it made and the pink stuff is an algae so i think when all my hippy colored algae grows in it will look really cool. I think i'm going to take my damsels in and trade them for another hermit crab today they're really starting to grow the big on i bought grew like 1/4 inch since i bought him.


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
ya know, i was just trying to learn about something new to me...i understand the concepts of which you speak, but like most people in the world i dont know everything. i had not heard of this relationship between a sponge and an encrusting algae...

im not trying to question your inteligence, im just trying to add to not sure why you seem to take everything so personally?

the coment about the girl was in reference to bowdy saying he had to choose between a woman and a larger aquarium...sorry to touch a nerve

you seem to have a personal problem with me which i dont really understand...from the first day you have been on here you've been on my case about posts i make "attacking" you, when in reality i am only doing one of two things:
1)looking for more information
2)providing information which i see as appropriate to the post

nobody else seems to have an issue with the things i post or the manor in which i post them...

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