live rock question


Large Fish
Aug 20, 2003
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Ok. I have a question.

I know you need Live sand and Live rock for filtration. But would it be possable to buy like 1-2 lbs of live rock and enough live sand(cause its cheap) then put like lace rock in with it.... Dead rock i guess. I can get "dead rock" cheap.

Will the live rock move to the other rock... like if you mix sand it will all become live. Dose it work with rock. and if so how long will it take me.

Im in no hury, as i would have to cycle the tank anyway. Just trying to cut costs where I can.

Its going to be a 5-10gallon with one maybe 2 fish and possable corals later on. I know its considered a nano reef, but that forum dossent seem to be to active so i thought I would come here.

I figure if I can keep a 10g stable for long enough to grow the rock out and cycle it then i should be able to keep the fish ok too... I Have been doing pretty good with FW. And am looking for a little more challenge.

Thanks for any help


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Yes, you can do it. When you buy live rock you buy a porous piece of limestone, and inside the holes is a collectio of different bacteria. There are also larger life forms, algaes, sponges, whatever. Different live rock has different life forms , the too constants are the porous limestone and various bacteria.
The 'live rock' won't move to the other rock, but the bacteria certainly can and will, as will coralline algae and the other living things. I personally wouldn't use lce rock, you would be better off spending some time and a source of 'dead' porous limestone, or getting cheap base rock.
The other argument to remember is the more liverock, statistically the more biodiversity, plus you will need to be waiting some months.


Large Fish
Aug 20, 2003
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Thanks guys.
Thats kinda what I was thinking. That it would take along time anyway.

I was just trying to think of a way around the most expencive part of this tank. But I suspose I should just save up and buy all the live rock I need.

I guess its not like a FW tank and I can just put a better filter on it. Even some of the best filters are cheaper than 15-20lbs of live rock.

Thanks again