Live Rock Questions


New Fish
Apr 9, 2003
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I just noticed three small (about 1/4 inch) anemones on one piece of rock. They have a grey base with tenticles about twice as long as the base. Anyone know what kind they are? They appeared within the last week.


Large Fish
Jan 6, 2003
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My experience with aiptasia is very limited. I've only had 2 individuals in my tanks, one was on a small piece of rock that I simply removed and scraped off. (Then scrubbed with a toothbrush and rinsed under tap water). The other was on a larger rock but as luck would have it (or rather the kind of luck I have!) the individual was in the midst of some majano anemones that eventually stung it to death. Of course, I still had to remove the majanos, but that's another story....

Anyway, I've heard that peppermint shrimp can work. Also some butterflyfish. If you decide that you want to get something to eat it, you must realise that there is no guarantee that any of them will work!

Good luck and let there be no survivors!!


Large Fish
Nov 21, 2002
North Las Vegas, Nevada
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you need to get an aiptasia remover kit, basically its a kaulkwasser mix and a dull syringe that you inject directly into the aiptasia. But hold off a little, untill you can make a positive identifacation.

basically the aiptasia is bad cause it packs a powerful sting and multiplies very quickly. Obviously bad news for your prized corals. But if you have a fish only tank with live rock, than you may as well keep it around.