Live Rock Report


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
As I told you I had LR coming in from two LFS, 100lbs from one store and 70 lbs from another LFS. Well, :mad: I got the 70lbs and the 100lbs will be in 14 days from today. I will post pics later showing the 70 lbs in the tank.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Well the 70 will no doubt start your cycle for you.....when you add the other 100 you will no doubt see another smallish spike then it will cycle out. You may need to just put the rock in the tank for now and wait until you get the bulk next week to do your aquascaping.......good luck and pictures would help, i love to look at others pics.... :)


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I was sitting here using my imagination and seeing my fishes swimming thru and around my LR, *SUPERSMIL And I came up with an idea. *SUNSMILE* Ya'll can tell me ifs its a good idea. Instead of sitting here, doing nothing and waiting for two weeks to pass, waiting on my 100lbs of LR to come in, I thought I could take the LR I already and to use some of it to place around (don't know what this is called) the divider in the tank where my sw drains down into the sump to help camouflage this area of the tank, I am talking about a permanent placement. Then when the other 100lbs of live rock comes in I can aquascape the rest of the tank with that. What do you think? On another note, the lfs where I got the 70lbs of LR yesterday, he normally sells ( I haven't seen any) what he calles African LR, he says it is really nice and that he has a shipment coming, in about a month. He told me that if I wanted he would let me be the first to pick a really nice piece out of the shipment for my tank. Thought that was kinda nice of him.

Jun 29, 2008
As you mentioned, in the meantime you could put your current LR around where the tank drain is located. BUT I would not drill and/or permanently put it there until you received all the rock. with my luck after drilling together the 'old' 70 lbs, the 'new' 100lbs of rock would somehow have a perfect sized rock for that draining area.

No harm in checking out the 'new' African LR. see if anything catches your eye!


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
Your right, I don't mind waiting for things like tanks to cycle and go thru stages. I just hate to have the process at a stand still because I can't get LR. The importers of LR must be in a down time right now, I have looked at differant web sites and all, are sold out at this time. The LFS where I got the LR that I do have, knew I was kinda disappointed at the quality of the LR I did get, he knew I wanted a few choice pieces rather than a bunch of small pieces, probley why his offer to let me have first pick of his order when it comes in.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
This is the place where I got my live rock. They have huge tanks and I was lucky enough to go there and hand pick it. I know people who have ordered from them and had it shipped, I think if you contact them by email and ask for Jason Frey and explain exactly what you want he will do his absolute best to fill your wishes. I have had nothing but excellent service from these guys and would highly recommend them for anything...

Premium Aquatics Livestock


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I just got back from the LFS where I got the LR. I told him how I was feeling. He told me that he had a shipment of nice LR coming in, in about three weeks and that I could bring the LR that I bought yesterday back and I could swap it pound for pound with the new rock when it comes in. I can't beat that offer. I told my wife that fish come and they go, but when you put the LR in your tank, its in your tank for the duration, so the rock you get better be what you want. So, let me start taking this LR outa my tank.