Live Rock


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I got mine from my LFS, but had them order a few boxes when they were getting more in. They gave us a much better deal on the box price than if we bought it per pound (cured). It was uncured, but was fresh from the wholesaler that day.

If you do buy online, make sure you check the shipping charges and policies carefully. I know one buyer was really upset when he was charged box fees and extra shipping charges. It had been stated in the online store's policies, but those policies were buried and hard to find. The site had kind of alluded to free shipping, but it wasn't really free.

As live rock is the basis of your system, I think it's better to get great rock than to get poor rock for the sake of saving a few bucks.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
to bad yur not in south fl. ... one of the members from my reef club is breaking down one of his tanks and getting rid of about 70 lbs of fiji @ $2 per lb ..... i suggest checking around locally and seeing what u can come up with try here

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Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
100 lbs would be about right in a 75g its definitly enough for bio filtration i guess its just yur preferance whether you like more or less rock... personally i have easily 150 lbs in my 125g and i still think i need more


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
It really depends on the type of rock that you put in.......caribbean rock tends to be denser and heavier than say south pacific ie. marshall island rock which is extremely porous and light. If you use a porous rock you would need less pounds than a denser rock as there is more surface area on the porous stuff to populate the beneficial bacteria. I have 130lbs of marshall island in my 75g and that is way more than was necessary but I was going for the asthetics more than anything. Fiji rock has more life on it and you could probably get away with about check all the saltwater forums out there on their for sale pages as there is usually someone quitting the hobby that will sell their rock fairly cheap......try reef central as their pages are huge and the sale pages contain a lot of stuff for sale. Again, like ebay you want to be sure of what you are getting. All my rock came from Premium Aquatics and I have heard that what they ship is quality stuff....I was lucky it is an hour away and I was able to hand pick mine.