Live rock


New Fish
Dec 27, 2009
I have a 125 gal salt tank not live. I have 140lbs or more of live rock from a previous setup of a live tank that's been dry stored for about ten years.
Can this rock be used in my present tank to set up a live tank? If yes, what do i have to do to the rock? The rock is of the most expensive porous type.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
it actually wont take much lol.... put the rock in a rubbermaid container like a brute with some saltwater, your going to want to just leave the rock in there (with a pump of course) testing the water every so often till theres no ammonia and do water changes as needed...this is called the "curing process" you can also do this directly in the tank if theres nothing in there but it may make the cycle take a little longer.... oh yea youll also want a few pieces of "live" rock to seed what you have now ;)