live rock

Nov 17, 2011
theres a weird creature in my live rock hiding in one of the holes but i cant figure out what it can be....can anyone help me find out if this is safe for my aquarium since i just started my tank about 2 months ago?it keeps peeking in and out of the hole it is in...


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
KcMopar said:
Yes, pics would be good. I know those little creatures can be elusive. Most likely its a worm, tiny star fish, copod, or a pod. Most of these little guys are not bad at all.
Yes, but I was watching this show on animal planet where this big famous aquarium (like the shedd aquarium in Indiana, but different) and they got these new live rocks. It was in the owners most prized saltwater aquarium that the corals that had lived there for years started dissapearing overnight. They decided to take the tank apart and out of this little hole in a rock a large iridescent cenitpede like creature slid out. It came in as a baby in on of the rocks and it lives on a diet of coral. I forgot what it was specifically, but it was creepy looking. The owner decided to name it and keep it in an aquarium of it's own.

I'm assuming that your tank is freshwater since you posted here, so if you can describe more what it looks like, take a picture of it, or even find a picture from the internet would be helpful to us.

Nov 17, 2011
i have a slat water tank and if i can take a picture of it i will but as soon as i see him it runs right back in...too me it looks like a spider as far as i seen it was white/gray with at least 4 legs with little tiny spikes coming out the worried if this creature like spider will hurt my animals i have in my tank...but as soon as i get a picture ill post but does anyone have an idea of what this could be?