Live sand cleaners


Medium Fish
Apr 29, 2005
I was wondering if anyone knows of any type of cleaner inverts i can put in the tank to help me with the brown algae in my live sand the worst spot of course is right up against the glass my live sand is about an inch deep and i have to stir it up about twice a week right at the glass to get the brown algae out. I have a sand siffting star he gets in there a little bit but not enough thanks

Jan 16, 2004
Syracuse, NY
Those 'sand crabs' are tidal animals, they live buried on the shore and come out to eat at high tide (seen them on the beaches). I dont think they would do good constantly underwater, but I could be mistaken. And they would need a fresh supply of plankton to feed upon.

Jan 9, 2005
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My horseshoe crab is only small, about a quarter's circumference. I've read that they get large but never i've never seen one any bigger than about 2" in diameter. They dig themselves into the sand using their legs, but their legs can only go back and forth so not only is it ridiculous to watch, but he kicks up a lot sand and once he finally burrows he moves it around like crazy.

Mine's in a 20 gallon, so there's not a whole lot of sand to stir.


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
horseshoe crabs do not generally survive and thrive long term in small tanks. they need a lot of sand to graze on and they will eventually outgrow the tank. another thing to consider is that your rockwork could easily come crashing down if the crab bumps it the wrong would or digs out around it

i would look for a more viable long term solution

Jan 9, 2005
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That could definately be true, i haven't had him long term so his needs as far as food may or may not met. However, he's a pretty small, underpowered crab and i dont think that you have to worry too much about tumbling rock work, unless of course you're going for the incredibly top heavy aquascaping method.

On a seperate note, i hear cerith and nassarius snails do a good job. my only problem with them is that they clean everything, glass and rocks...not just substrate. Which could be helpful because they're multi talented...but i just wanted something to stir up the sand.


Large Fish
Oct 5, 2004
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i think i have two narssarius(sp), the guy at the lfs forgot the name but told me they were great for stirring up the sand and mine is a med sand depth so i said why not and i ahve seen them three times since i got them which was 2 1/2 weeks ago. They occasional stick their antanae(sp) out and i can see the sand move but their undergourn alot. My cerith snails are ont eh rocks or class most all the times unless they fall or i push them down. They love to try to escape and one made it all the way out the water but i pushed him back down