Live Sand, how to make it

I want to create my own live sand, right now I have 8kg(20lbs) of crushed coral in a 25g tank, with 3 live roks still cycling.

I want to get my sand to become live sand, I know that over time it will happen specialy if I have live rock (don't worry I plan on adding more, but hte petshop near my house sell it for 25$ a kg its kida expensive and not very nice lol, I only got 3 rock because my choice was limited, I plan on going to another place I heard about for live rock).

So anyway Im looking for a way to maby bost the process.

Oh yeah in that pet shop a lot of buble algea on a lot of the rocks


Large Fish
Dec 2, 2002
Buffalo, NY
The best way to enhance your live sand is to add live sand from other tanks to your own. See if there is a reef club in your area, or other people who have live sand. They might be willing to give/trade/sell a cup of their live sand for you to add to your tank. The more sources the better. Your LFS may also sell live sand from one of their tanks.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Sand becomes live over time with addition of live rock. It will only become more live with more forms of life introduced to tank. Also depends on nutrients and wastes are available for creatures in sand to feed off of.