Livebearer Newb Questions


New Fish
Aug 11, 2013
Southern Nevada
Hello all -
I have been searching through the old forum posts and had many questions answered but would appreciate some more help with some questions I have. I have had cichlids for 2 years but I got them before I knew much about them and they outgrew my tank so I gave them to a friend w/a 100 gallon tank. I also decided I wanted a more peaceful fish and live in a hard / high alkaline water area so instead of fighting my water I decided to try a community livebearer tank with primarily guppies. I have a 20 gallon tank that I reused the rock/silk plants/decor + 10 gallons of water from my previous tank. I let that cycle for just over a week and my water was testing 0 for ammonia and the other levels in the "safe" range on the test strips. I added 3 guppies yesterday and they are doing great, water is still testing fine. (Sorry, brevity is not one of my attributes) My plan is to wait 1 week, do a 20% water change then add 3 more guppies, repeat, then add 3-4 corydoras and possibly add a couple platys the following week. So I would end up with 9 guppies, 3-4 corys, and 3-4 platys. I only want males, I don't want to deal with fry. My questions are...Is that a good plan or are there things I should tweak? Is it likely that I could have a peaceful all male tank w/platys and guppies? I currently don't have a heater, my water is usually right at 72 degrees is that going to be ok or should I get a heater? What do you feed them besides flake food? I got some teeny tiny pellet food but even that's too big. I have read mixed reviews on salt in the aquarium...thoughts? I try to keep it as natural as possible and only used a dechlorinator to date. Also, last question...once established how often do I need to do water changes? I only did every 2-3 weeks with my cichlids and they did fine. Do you vacuum the gravel each time or alternate with just water changes? Thanks for any and all help. I looked through several other forums and this one seemed the friendliest to non experts! :)


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Welcome to the forum! First off, the water doesn't cycle by just letting it sit. There needs to be a way for the beneficial bacteria to feed and grow. Most of us use the API liquid test kit so we can get more precise readings rather than just "safe" and the goal is 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite and 20 - 40 ppm of nitrate. Every time you change water you should vacuum and the frequency and amount will depend on your water tests - if they show no ammonia or nitrite every two weeks should be adequate - anytime you show either of those two you will want to change more water, more frequently. Remember, most of the beneficial bacteria are on surfaces and not in the water. IMO you should have a heater as tropical fish like a temp between 76 and 78. I assume you have a filter of some type? Flake food is fine, but its nice to have some frozen blood worms occasionally. I hope this helps. Other will probably have some other thoughts or ideas.


New Fish
Aug 11, 2013
Southern Nevada
Welcome to the forum! First off, the water doesn't cycle by just letting it sit. There needs to be a way for the beneficial bacteria to feed and grow

Remember, most of the beneficial bacteria are on surfaces and not in the water.
Thanks for your reply, I thought that's what I was doing but moving the decor/rocks from my previous established tank. Is there some other way I should be doing it? I also swished the filter from my last tank in the new but it's a different size/model so I couldn't put it in the canister and run it...


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
Jax, sounds like a nice plan, but ~9 guppies and ~4 platys is a lot of livebearers for a 20g tank IMO, even if they're all males. They are pooping machines. I've got two mickey mouse platys in my 55 that are both female, as well as a gold lyretail molly and a black molly (both females too). Everything but the black molly has gotten quite large. If they came from the store pregnant, I never saw any fry.

I've got a cool japanese blue guppy in my 10g, along with 3 silver hatchets and a bunch of ghost and red cherry shrimp.

Main thing is keeping up on regular water changes. Food is important too, but I guess I've been lucky in that my fish go nuts over any food type.