Lone Discus


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
My mom let me bring a discus home from the pet store.He was in a tank with all sick fish.That was 2 months ago.He is in a 10 gallon tank right now and seems happy.(my mom & i do water changes 3 times a week)He swims around and is not shy at all.My question is can I keep him alone forever.He is easy for me to take care of the way it is.He is about 3 inches from mouth to tail.Thank you , ??? Ryan



Discus are schooling discus and it is recommended to keep at least 6 together. However, in my experiences it sometimes really depends on the personnality of the fish. Some discus I have, if kept alone, are extremely shy and frightened but with a school, they do fine. Others are fine by themselves and when in a group, they bully the others around. I think that as long as the fish is happy, ie. not shy and frightened, it should not be a problem. A bigger tank would be better when it grows up and keep up the water changes in the 10G. Keep feeding good foods and you should have a happy discus.


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Thanks for your reply.Right now I have the choice of keeping him in the 10 gallon rectangle tank (20 inches wide) or putting him in a 20 gallon hex.Which do you think would be better?Ryan

A 10g is definately too small for even one discus. consider that they can reach 8" without tail if fed well and with LOTS of waterchanges. Most serious discus keepers do DAILY waterchanges, up to 50% at a time.

I do daily 10% on a 55g with discus and 50% every other day with 25% the other days on a 20g fry grow out tank. Just some thoughts.

If I were you I'd get the biggest tank you can for this little guy.



Well, Im not too sure if a lone discus in a 10G tank would grow to 8". Well, unless of course like you mentioned, under ideal conditions which Im not too sure is that likely to happen.

I would go for the 20G.