Lonely Female Cichlid Needs Help

I have decided to make my old 35 gallon tank a cichlid tank. It had goldfish but I gave them to my girlfriend who thinks their the best fish for her. I have a single female cichlid who has been alone for a while due to her nasty temperament. What would be the best kind of other cichlids to put in the 35g with her? I was hoping that a striped krib, a red breasted flag and maybe a thomas would be ok. # of males and females. Any help and suggestions would be appreciated. I would like lots of color in the tank. It will have slate caves and driftwood for hiding along with some live plants:)

Mar 17, 2004
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ya, i agree with what C-man said.

if you had a 55 gal or larger then we could help you more.

So you really don't want her to be alone huh?:(

Well, the only thing I could suggest is keep her alone in that 35 gal for now, get a bigger tank, cycle it. Then get a fish of similar temper(Green Terror, Jack Dempsey, Oscar, etc, etc) and put her in their with one of the other fish. Now this plan could also backfire, so you really have to moniter them;)

Gee whiz that's not what I was hoping to hear. I think my only humane choice here is to see if I can bring her to my lfs. She's so cute too but nasty. I will call them to see if they will take her for me, I'll keep you guys posted. Thanx for the advice.