Long- Finned Danios


Small Fish
Jun 20, 2008
I have a 26 gallon bowfront with three zebra danios, nine harlequin rasboras, and one emerald cory. I would eventually like to get a dwarf gourami. I was going to get three more rasboras, but then I thought about long- finned danios. If I get three of those instead of the rasboras would that be okay? Or will there be a problem with fin nipping, or overstocking?

Apr 14, 2008
I like the Flame Dwarf Gouramis and plan to buy one for my 29! They are just too cool! I saw some pretty cool Fire Gouramis yesterday at the petstore...but onto the topic:

I think it would be better to go for the Zebras as they really like to have schools of 6+. I had 10 in my 29gal and it never did seem overstocked even with tons of other fish(didn't know any better then!) they aren't the hardiest though and died after several months of appering healthy (one by one died).

Good luck on whatever you decide to do!


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
I don't think you have any problems with stocking right now. If anything I'd add a few more emerald "cories" which I'm guessing are emerald brochis (often called cories because they look so similar). They like to be in shoals - these will grow to 2 inches each, and I suggest 1 or 2 more of these.

For the fish mentioned above (i.e thin, small fish with a small bioload) a good rule of thumb is "one inch of full-grown fish per gallon". Right now you're around the 17/18 inch mark with full grown fish. You should be able to fit a couple more emerald corys and a dwarf gourami in comfortably; long-finned danios would shoal with your current danios but they might be the target of fin-nipping. Danios can be quite bad for this because they're so active. Personally I'd put a couple more zebra danios in to bump up your shoal a bit but you might be fine with long-finned ones.