Look how they've grown


Large Fish
Sep 26, 2005
Well, my second spawn of cons is a few months old now and look at how big they are getting. It's time to be checking to see if anyone (lfs or people) locally would like to have one. They're in the breeder right now because I'm getting ready to move them to a different tank where the adults won't feel like they're being bothered by them and so they can grow more. Some are smaller than others, but I think as soon as I get them moved they'll grow more. Any of you people here in Utah, say close to Riverdale, want a convict or two? I'm not sure yet how many males and females I have, but soon as they get a little bigger I should be able to let you know. Enjoy the pics of my babies.


Last edited:
Jan 8, 2009
little guys look great!!! I miss my old breeding pair of convicts.These days my set-up is little different: 55 gal-2 green terrors,1 firemouth,1 jack dempsey(adults who might i add,get along great).25 gal-African jewel and an auratous(both from lake malawi and tangi).