Look what I just got!


Large Fish
Aug 22, 2004
Ok, well, you can't actually look because I don't actually have any pictures yet (but I will eventually.)
I'm very impressed with my new purchase and since all of my friends couldn't care less, I figured I'd tell you guys about it:
I got
-A 75 gallon tank
-A home-made, very ugly stand that I'm going to fix up and make pretty. It's very nicely constructed. Actually, it isn't even that ugly, just stained a dark, yucky color, and it doesn't have a cabinet, just a bottom shelf.
-An Emperor 400 filter, that was in use up until about an hour before I bought it, so it's filled with bacteria goodness. It is a little noisy, but it's several years old so I'll give it a break, and I've only had it running for a day now. I'm told they get noisy after they're unplugged, then quiet down after a while?
-A box of replacement filters
-A heater. Not sure the brand/wattage, but he was using it in the tank before I got it.
-Two lights. No clue what type/wattage or anything like that, but I'm not getting into plants for a while anyway so I don't care. They light stuff up, so tyhey work as far as I'm concerned.
-A crap-ton of gravel
-And a little 2 (and a half? Possibly bigger--haven't checked it out yet) tank that he just gave me to carry the gravel in. (This is an excuse to get another betta!)

For 80 bucks. Rock and roll.

He offered me a choice of fish, but they were all Oscars and Red Devils and Dempseys and things like that, and I wasn't interested in them.

I managed to impress my mother with this when she saw the filter alone in Petsmart for $74.99 Of course, I casually failed to metion that PetsMart's prices are grossly over-inflated.

So, yeah, I'm happy. :D


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2003
Visit site
Good deal Phooka. If I were you I would seriously consider dumping the heater and replacing it with new. Did he tell you how old it was? I wouldn't leave it to chance, the cost of failure is too great.


Large Fish
Aug 22, 2004
Thanks everybody. I knew you guys would appreciate my find!

Taffy--I was pretty much planning on buying a new one. I was looking for a good deal, and I figured I would never find anything under 100 dollars and over 50 gallons that also included a really nice filter and heater. I really lucked out, though. He was using the heater himself up until a few hours before I picked it up, but it does look so old that I worry. However, I was told by another reliable poster (though I forget who-sorry!) that good heaters can last for years. So I'll cycle the tank with it, and if it turns out to be trustworthy, then I'll be even happier. But I've set aside a chunk of fish-funds for a heater anyway, just in case.

We went to Home Depot tonight to buy wood to cover the stand. They didn't have unfinnished cabinet doors, though, and I was planning on using pre-fab doors instead of making my own, so it'll look more professional and more like "real furniture." Hopefully I can find some tomorrow and by the end of the weekend, I'll be ready to set it all up and get things going.