Ive had the goldfish since November and he's grown but not like huge to the 2 gallon.
I just don't enjoy bettas. Theyre such angry fish and I took care of someone's for 2 weeks and the mood of the room died. It was weird. I had My goldfish in the 2 gallon, my other friend's goldfish in her 2 gallon tank, and then a betta in one gallon and I had to build a barracade so he couldnt see the other fish. he was always ticked off and flared his gills. Very angry critter. He could be halfway across the dorm room, and just be angrily flaring his gills against the tank's face closest to the direction of the other fish. He was fine everywhere else but just sooooo furious with the goldfish in the room.
The goldfish is somewhat like a fantail I think. He's kinda fat, but doesn't have any "bubbles" on his face, or a bumpy head. This is a picture I did based off of what he looks like
...but yeah Ive had him since November and he's my best buddy. I would adore to get him a huge tank but it's not allowed and I dont want them to confinscate my fish.
Ive always had undergravel filters and I dont mind cleaning them at all. It's actually something I look foward to every few weeks because otherwise... id have to do homework lol.