Looking for a 3 or 4 gallon tank/kit


Small Fish
Aug 14, 2003
Im looking to get a 3 or 4 gallon tank or kit and Im looking for something with an undergravel filter.

Any recommendations?

My fish is a goldfish.

Jun 19, 2003
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you need a 10 gallon for a goldfish, dirty fish too so get a filter. So unless you want to go buy a 10 when your goldfish outgrows a 3 or 4 get a 10 gallon kit. They're not much more expensive then an odd size (like a 3-4) in the long run


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I wouldn't get an undergravel filter. There is a cool little 5 gallon setup that walmart has for like 30 bucks that has a little power filter. Trust me, in the long run you dont want to deal with a UGF...they are a pain.

Also...I agree...a goldfish will outgrow a small tank in a heartbeat. Do you already have one or is that what you were planning on getting? If you were planning on that...I would change your plan and get a 5 gallon tank (minimum) and some danios/white cloud minnows or some other small easy to keep fun fish.

Jun 19, 2003
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You could always get a betta. Very colorful and easy to keep. Get a 1-5 gallon tank with a power filter, pick up some gravel and a plastic plant or tow and you're good to go! Read up on cycling and stuff though.


Large Fish
Apr 21, 2003
Delaware County, PA
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There's always the Marineland eclipse systems. The eclipse systems come with a power filter and hood. Though, they are kinda expensive. Also, the bio-wheel can be a little loud if the tank is not filled up all the way.

I must concur with everyone else. A power filter is the way to go. I've never had UGF, but they look like a pain to clean.


Small Fish
Aug 14, 2003
Ive had the goldfish since November and he's grown but not like huge to the 2 gallon.

I just don't enjoy bettas. Theyre such angry fish and I took care of someone's for 2 weeks and the mood of the room died. It was weird. I had My goldfish in the 2 gallon, my other friend's goldfish in her 2 gallon tank, and then a betta in one gallon and I had to build a barracade so he couldnt see the other fish. he was always ticked off and flared his gills. Very angry critter. He could be halfway across the dorm room, and just be angrily flaring his gills against the tank's face closest to the direction of the other fish. He was fine everywhere else but just sooooo furious with the goldfish in the room.

The goldfish is somewhat like a fantail I think. He's kinda fat, but doesn't have any "bubbles" on his face, or a bumpy head. This is a picture I did based off of what he looks like

...but yeah Ive had him since November and he's my best buddy. I would adore to get him a huge tank but it's not allowed and I dont want them to confinscate my fish.

Ive always had undergravel filters and I dont mind cleaning them at all. It's actually something I look foward to every few weeks because otherwise... id have to do homework lol.


Small Fish
Aug 14, 2003
Originally posted by Flex26
There's always the Marineland eclipse systems. The eclipse systems come with a power filter and hood. Though, they are kinda expensive. Also, the bio-wheel can be a little loud if the tank is not filled up all the way.

I must concur with everyone else. A power filter is the way to go. I've never had UGF, but they look like a pain to clean.
I looked at the Marineland ones and Im a little worried about the pipe that comes down. Im afraid my fish will get hurt on it or something.

The allure of the undergravel for me is not having to worry about injury.

I was wondering if they come with a plastic plate or something that you place over it and under the cover, to protect from splash back.


Large Fish
Apr 21, 2003
Delaware County, PA
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Originally posted by Delia97

I was wondering if they come with a plastic plate or something that you place over it and under the cover, to protect from splash back.
I'm not sure I follow....do you mean the fish will get sucked into the filter?

As far as injury goes, I have the Eclipse six plus two other tanks with hang on back filters. So far I haven't had any problems with the pipe causing injury.

But if you don't mind the UGF, then by all means go with the UGF. They have some kits at wal-mart and petsmart that have UGFs. They were 1 and 2 gallon kits. I'm not sure if they make the kits (w/ UGF) any bigger. So you might want to check at wal-mart or petsmart.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I've kept goldfish in an Eclipse six before without any difficulty. I've had my goldfish now for five years, and I've had to move them to a thirty gallon tank after three. They do outgrow their environments, and keeping them in smaller tanks for longer only shortens their lifespan. Goldfish are known for living upwards of 25 years when taken care of properly and given the right water quality, food, and tank size. The biggest challenge to goldfish keeping is keeping up with the water changes. If you do plan to keep your fish in a small tank, please do 50% water changes at least twice a week.


Small Fish
Aug 14, 2003
Originally posted by Flex26
I'm not sure I follow....do you mean the fish will get sucked into the filter?

As far as injury goes, I have the Eclipse six plus two other tanks with hang on back filters. So far I haven't had any problems with the pipe causing injury.

But if you don't mind the UGF, then by all means go with the UGF. They have some kits at wal-mart and petsmart that have UGFs. They were 1 and 2 gallon kits. I'm not sure if they make the kits (w/ UGF) any bigger. So you might want to check at wal-mart or petsmart.
Some of the tanks ive seen have a plastic plate that goes on top so water doesnt get into the light.

Im just worried like his tail or something will get sucked in :rolleyes:


Small Fish
Aug 14, 2003
Originally posted by colesea
I've kept goldfish in an Eclipse six before without any difficulty. I've had my goldfish now for five years, and I've had to move them to a thirty gallon tank after three. They do outgrow their environments, and keeping them in smaller tanks for longer only shortens their lifespan. Goldfish are known for living upwards of 25 years when taken care of properly and given the right water quality, food, and tank size. The biggest challenge to goldfish keeping is keeping up with the water changes. If you do plan to keep your fish in a small tank, please do 50% water changes at least twice a week.
I know all about how long they can live and how fast they grow but it's a matter of him getting taken away from me if I get too big a tank. I'm also traveling from Maine to Georgia and I cant exactly have a 20 gallon tank with a gigantic fish. Id love to, but it's just not allowed.


Superstar Fish
Aug 13, 2003
hmm..... well theres a eclipse 3g tank kit , it comes with a filter (not undergravel), bio wheel, filter cartiradge, some food, and a dechlornater which removes the chlorine....
im not sure how much it would cost but its usually around a range of 50.00-60.00 it depends on where ur getting it from

well goood luck on ur gold fish, i didn't on mines well hope u do


p.s o i forgot that the tank includes a hood n lite too..hehe