Looking for a Catfish.


Large Fish
Apr 2, 2005
Sunny Ireland.
Hi All,

I'm a huge fan of catfish, always have been. I love the way the look and the way they swim. I really want one for my 32gal SA tank. There are Tiger Barbs in it at the mo.

Trouble is that there are just sooooo many I dont know where to begin. I would love to put a Black Lancer in there, or something, but, alas, space is an issue.

Ideally, the fish I want would be around the 5-6 inch mark, atractive, active, able to hold it's own in a SA tank and not a fussy feeder. (I dont ask for a lot!!:p)

I'm currenty looking into a Pictus cat or a Midnight cat.

Have you experince with these cats? Got another one you want to suggest?

Note: I'm am not intrested in Plecos or Corries.

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Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
I think he meant south american homebunnyj, both those species he listed come from there, but I do have a softspot for asian catfish, they're so unusual!

I had a single pictus years ago and seem to remember taking him back to the LFS (although I might be wrong because behaviour wise he wasn't exactly a rogue, hid a lot of the time). What I do know is, they're pretty catfish but are carnivorous and have been known to take small fish. Any fry would be first on the menu but they have quite large mouths, so small tetras such as neons could be at risk. They like bloodworm and other live/frozen foods.


Small Fish
Sep 16, 2006
winnipeg manitoba
i have a pair of bumblee cats that are very attractive(the best looking catfish you will never see) cause they are always hiding

i also like like striped and spotted raphael cats(they havn't gotten very large so far)

and the most interesting one i have are my banjo catfish, they are in my guppy tank and i still have the odd fry survive, are not all that shy, but... they like to bury themselves in the sand to sleep so if you have gravel and want one i suggest making a small corner of the tank playsand so they can bury themselves, banjos are armoured so i doubt they would get picked on


Large Fish
Apr 2, 2005
Sunny Ireland.
I thought tiger barbs came from Thailand, Malaysia, and surrounding areas. :)

I'm not too familiar with setting up a semi-aggressive tank.
Indeed they are! I'm not really looking to set up a Southren Aisa tank though. I will if I get nice fish from there, but I'm more intrested in just having nice, happy fish that get along.*twirlysmi

So, right now this is whats in the tank:

Thinking of a adding (centerpiece fish):





or (a few of these guys)

Could not at the pic of the Oil Cat, out of space. Get it here; http://i21.tinypic.com/1zfj1gw.jpg

What do you guys think?
Deffo not go for one of them?
Got one of your own to add?


Medium Fish
Feb 21, 2009
No red tailed thing, name escapes me right now. Gets HUGE. And I still say cories, a small school of those active little guys would look amazing. And possibly a gourami for a centerpiece fish?


Large Fish
Apr 2, 2005
Sunny Ireland.
Red Tail Black Shark.

How big? I think you may be mixing it up with something else. Everything I have read say it will top out at 6inches but 4.5-5 is more likley in a fish tank.*twirlysmi


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
I was thinking a synodontis could work myself, they're a good size. I think actually that last picture you put up was the cat I had, what's its name? It was years ago now.

And RTBS's don't get very big, I'd say 6 inches at most. Bit aggressive, especially so with its own kind but might be able to hold its own in your tank. Might bully the cats though.

mini 77

Small Fish
May 3, 2009
widnes, cheshire england
Well i have got one red tailed shark, no problem its very peacful and very active, I have had 2 Pictus cat they where nice, a good size and superrr active non - stop up and down the tank, but sadly they both died in like a month for some reason and all my other fish where fin... i do like Bristlenose Plecos which grow to like 5inch and are cool i think, especially albino ones. I have got 2 Upside Down Catfish, which are my favourite catfish in my tank because it eats everything on the bottom and is a 'Monster' as i call it because it is big :) So good luck, UPSIDE DOWN CATFISH and RED TAILED SHARK!