Looking for a Good Mentor: Any takers?

Jun 21, 2003
Oklahoma City, OK"
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My name is Charlie and I am brand somewhat brand new to fish care and I am in great need of a tutor, if possible. I am from Oklahoma and I currently have a 29 gal. in the middle of a fishless cycle and a 10 gal. holding 2 lamprologus tretocephalus in the middle of a cycle. I am very interested in learning. I am a 22 yrs. old and a college student at the University of Central Oklahoma.


In life, it is not whether you fall or not that is important because it will happen; what's important is how you get up! Life's a test, how will you score?


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
If you have a willingness to learn, an open mind and some common sense you won't need one. Read some books - I recommend the conscientious marine aquarist , even to freshwater beginners as it will open your mind to behavioural considerations and ethical behaviour.
Oh, and have patience, and try not to put chemicals in your tank, and change 10% of the water every week or 5 - 10 % twice a week.