Looking for a "MAIN" fish


Large Fish
Apr 14, 2003
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Looking for a "MAIN" fish UPDATE

My current tank is a 29 gallon with some live plants, a few rocks and a fake drift wood. I have the following fish:

3 Neons (I tried adding more but they died)
3 Danios
3 Bloodfins(Probly my Favorite)
2 Dwarf gouramis(one "fancy" one "blue neon")
1 Redtail black shark

I want to add 1-3 bigger fish that can be the "main attraction" of the tank. Something relatively active that won't just hide in the behind stuff.

Any suggestions?


I bought 2 Clown Loaches and My girlfriend picked out 2 sunshine platties and 2 blood red platties.

Tank looks awesome. The yellow and red/orange platties are nice and calm and bring some nice color to the tank and the clowns are little speedy maniacs.

I figure the 2 clowns, the RTblack Shark and the Gouramis can share the spot light.

Now for some more plants and some upgraded lighing and i'll be happy. For now :)

But do i need a bottom feeder? My LPS has some really cool albino cories or catfish.

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Large Fish
Mar 9, 2003
ontario, canada
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hmm there isnt really big main fish u get, usually ull be and the fish will be happier in larger numbers then bigger in smaller numbers. Usually when u ask for a big fish ur often needing a big tank. I could sugguest a Leporinus Factus but those will possibly outgrow ur tank slowly but surely. They are awesome fish though

Jan 17, 2003
New York
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May i suggest some giant danios of any variety except the humongous ones who look like they have been bred with giants with like some sort of spine disability.(twisted spine i guess or something). Seems more common in humongous albino danios but ive seen it in the regular ones. Anyway great fish who like to play. Mine swim around a lot and occasionally chill omewhere but most often they are swimming happily. ALbino ones also look great.

Oct 22, 2002
well a pair of discus would be nice, but your danios would probably freak them out.

Angels were mentioned....
maybe some Paradise gouramis or fish?

A dragon fish
a rope fish
or my favorite, a mess load of khuli loaches:) they climb all throughout my plants and its the coolest thing to watch:)


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
When the red tailed shark grows, it'll be a fine attraction all by himself. They can make it to 6"-8".

Personally I would increase the number of your schooling fish for the time being. As someone mentioned, as a big fish grows, it will get bigger and need a larger tank. Little fish darting around have always been a more fascinating tank to me, and again, they will grow as well. Perhaps add a school of the deeper bodied tetras, Columbian tetras can get to be about quarter size, and they're blue and red shiney, but there are also black skirts, white skirts, serpae (a bit nippy), and others! Also possible for your tank may be some Congo tetras or some Bunios Aries tetras. They're a larger schooling variety of fish similar to giant danio, but prettier IMO.

Increase your bloodfin and danio school to five fish each, they'll fill the tank more that way.



Large Fish
Apr 14, 2003
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i started with 6 neons and 6 danios when i set up the tank

three danios and 4 neons died

i got another 6 neons to make 8

5 died

Neons don't like my tank :(

I'll get a few more danios though, they're cool.

What about Rasboras? Will they be friendly?


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
(Harlequin Rasboras are great...I haven't had any but they come highly reccomended from friends. After my tank finishes cycling I am going to get a handful of them.)

My favorite bottom feeder is Ghost Shrimp...though bigger fish will just use them as a snack. My fish don't bother them :)

Yeah, Harlequins are a great little schooling fish. They don't get all that big, but aren't teeny tiny either. I think they look really cool, too. They can swim pretty fast and are fun to watch a lot of the time. Mine are either floating together, not really doing too much, or are flying through the tank :) They are a good stress indicator, too. I've found that when my pH is off, their black half fades into goldish/brown. They are very peaceful, by the way.

*oh, hey, just thought of it - scissortail rasboras are beautiful! They are clearish to silver and glimmer a lot, plus they swim as their name implies. They get two or three times as big (long) as a harlequin tho. You might want to check them out :)

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Large Fish
Jan 14, 2003
Calgary, Alberta
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I agree with most here, the Redtailed will get to be a good size when its fully grown, as long as it doesn't get too aggressive. I think larger groups of small schooling fish give a much nicer look to a tank anyway, unless you've got a very cool and personable type of larger fish like discus or cichlids or something to that affect. If you're not having much luck with Neon's, try some White Cloud Minnows for the top of the tank, a school of 5,6. They look quite neat schooling at the top of the tank. Black skirts are nice too, but can be a little nippy, especially towards each other. I had all 6 of mine in the one tank to start with, but had to split them 3 in each afterwards, they just wouldn't stop fighting. But they seem calm now.