looking for compatible lifeforms


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
shreve, ohio
i need some help finding compatible tank mates for a 55 gallon tank i have 3 tiger barbs ,5 green barbs, 2 cherry barbs and 2 albino tiger barbs along w/ a cory cat and pleco if anyone out there can help me please do so  :-/                                                                                                        i'm thinking of adding about 20 ghost shrimp after about a month or so when ever i move the pleco is that a good idea


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
More cherry barbs, they like to be in large schools. Try to get an equal amout of red and orange ones, the red ones are male and the orange ones are female. Having an equal amount of both sexes will help reduce aggression.

In fact, I would increase the number of all your barbs so that each species has at least 6 of the same fish. Barbs like to be in large schools, and the larger the school usually the less aggression and nipping you will have.

Stay away from long-finned fish, barbs are known to be fin nippers and long-finned fish are just too tempting and will get unmercillessly chased and harassed.

As for tankmates, I would stay with barbs. Again because barbs are known nippers and slow moving, long finned fish will not last long in your tank.  I have successfully gotten some South American Cichlids to co-exist with large schools of barbs, but SA Cichlids are not considered community fish and you would want to do lots of research as to which species you would like (definately not Angels or Discus though).

How large a tankmate do you want? Tinfoil barbs and pacu also make good barb tankmates, but these fish grow huge.
