looking for more gourami housemates


New Fish
Nov 14, 2005
Hi all! nice site you have here.

I currently have a 45 gallon freshwater tank, with only 3 fish. they are a geophagus brasilienses cichlid, a pink kissing gourami, and one fat black belt tetra.

Does anyone have ideas for a suitable tankmate (s) that will get along with these fish?

I've had the gourami for abouit 5 years now, and he's pretty big. a moonlight gourami I used to have was quite the bully, and he chewed the pinks tail down to nothing... the moonlight has dies, the tail has grown back, so I'm looking mainly for something that would be nice to it.

The geophagus & gourami chase each other sometimes, but it's nothing serious. they all let each other eat OK, and they pretty much keep to their own corners of the tank.

Is it a bad idea to have more than one gourami? any species / breeds I'm overlooking?

Thanks for your help.



Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Thats quite the combination there...are you pretty attached to all three of them?

Reason I ask is because it would be a lot easier to find compatible tank mates if the fish you had were all 'traditionally compatible'. I understand they've been in the same tank for awhile...but most people probably wouldn't reccomend the three of them together.

Personally, I would either choose to do a community tank with the gourami and get the tetra some more buddies as they are a schooling fish... (two gouramis is probably a bad idea...) OR find other housing for the tetra and the gourami and put together a cichlid tank with your geophagus...


Large Fish
Oct 6, 2005
I have 2 three spot Gouramis, both females, and they chase each other playfully during the day and have their seperate corners at night. They are great, I would not recommend 2 males though. Do you know what sex yours is? I do not know how the cichlid would react to a NEW fish like the Gourami though. He may just be accustomed to the one you have now and so it doesn't bother him much, but you never know what he would do if you go throwing another fish in on his territory, ya know. I would do as Froggy says and decide if you want to keep the cichlid or the other 2. I would definitely get more tetras if you decide to keep them. For the Gouramis in my experience females are fine together as long as they aren't on tpo of one another. I had a Dwarf Blue Gourami... VERY peaceful with anything, btw... the other 2 did not bother him until I had an ich outbreak and then he was just so sensitive to everything that they just oestered the crap out of him, he finally died. They are great fish though, I really like the Gouramis, I would keep them!


New Fish
Nov 14, 2005
Shaunna said:
I have 2 three spot Gouramis, both females, and they chase each other playfully during the day and have their seperate corners at night. They are great, I would not recommend 2 males though. Do you know what sex yours is? I do not know how the cichlid would react to a NEW fish like the Gourami though. He may just be accustomed to the one you have now and so it doesn't bother him much, but you never know what he would do if you go throwing another fish in on his territory, ya know. I would do as Froggy says and decide if you want to keep the cichlid or the other 2. I would definitely get more tetras if you decide to keep them. For the Gouramis in my experience females are fine together as long as they aren't on tpo of one another. I had a Dwarf Blue Gourami... VERY peaceful with anything, btw... the other 2 did not bother him until I had an ich outbreak and then he was just so sensitive to everything that they just oestered the crap out of him, he finally died. They are great fish though, I really like the Gouramis, I would keep them!
Thanks for the replies folks.. No Shaunna , I don't know what sex my pink kisser is, I wish I did.

Doing another tank isn't an option, so maybe I won't add anything until one of the fishes die.
